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Today I manned up got soaking wet in the rain and tried to a very easy job. Three hours later i was cold and very annoyed.
Job should have been remove door hinges from bulkhead edge, adjust captive nut position to raise door, chocks in to the bottom to adjust door height and hold in place, refit hinge plates tighten up! It sounds so easy. End result was two lost captive nuts in the bulkhead one hinge bolt cross threaded spinning and unable to remove, one not catching at all, two working fine. So door is now held on by only two bloody great bolts instead of four and i am proper naffed off!
Why the hell do we own these things? One day i know i will crack for good and sell the bloody thing buy some foreign bit of rubbish and regret it for the rest of my life.
Anyone want to buy a Land rover????????
I did try earlier ****ting them up with a big bit of wood and a sledge hammer. Haven't got a jack i could get on them Treeslider getting in the way. Any how to late fooked now, I Have no idea why the bloody thread will not line up, if it got much more in line you could fire a frigging bullet down it!!! the other one fook knows it catches on something but i cannot get it bloody out.... So proper ****ed off now and feeling a complete knob...
I just slackened mine, held the door up then while holding it up tighten the bolts with drill :)
That was the original plan yesterday but after repeated ****ting with said piece of wood and hammer plan B was as above, and well the results are pretty clear. I have proper fell out with the pile of ****e on the drive.
Piece of ****e.......
I have proper fell out with the pile of ****e on the drive.
Piece of ****e.......[/quote]

:hysterically_laughi Sorry to laugh but the last bit was soooooo funny
Don't they just do your frigging tits in... and they are only piles of rust and metal.......fook, fook, foooking thing......
Sounds like one of those FASF jobs.........

.....F*ck All Straight Forward

Cant remember the last time I had a straight forward job on a landrover. Some thing always go's wrong :eek: Thought waxoil'ing my brothers 110 was going to be easy, But got carried away with the hammer and now need to do more welding than I thought :doh:
The best bit when ****s going Pete tong is the wife popping her head out of the door and asking if you ok/need a hand.
Those aluminum hinges look doody but buy by god they're expensive!! Won't be getting those how much money do people have....
About the fitting screws fitting any particular make recommendations there is all sorts on flee bay???
Have to to say it looks the only way ahead is going to be take the whole bloody door off and start from scratch.
Still a pile of ****e..... It has not been forgiven.........
Those aluminum hinges look doody but buy by god they're expensive!! Won't be getting those how much money do people have....
About the fitting screws fitting any particular make recommendations there is all sorts on flee bay???
Have to to say it looks the only way ahead is going to be take the whole bloody door off and start from scratch.
Still a pile of ****e..... It has not been forgiven.........

Them hinges is for posh people who don't get them dirty :boink:

Id suggest going out and giving it a reet good telling off, My neighbours learn a few new words when I loose it with mine :eek: I like to think of it as further education :lol:
I have to agree on that one. My neighbours are getting a rapid education in the finer arts of swearing to the extremes whilst trying not to kick the crap out the pile of ****e on the drive....
What's the views on the stainless fittings are some better than others???? or is stainless stainless???
I have to agree on that one. My neighbours are getting a rapid education in the finer arts of swearing to the extremes whilst trying not to kick the crap out the pile of ****e on the drive....
What's the views on the stainless fittings are some better than others???? or is stainless stainless???

There are different grades of stainless, But if it was me I would just buy the cheapest torx headed ones I could find on ebay.
It is still a pile of ****e though and will beaten on a regular basis!!! Pile of ****e..... thank you though..
Starting to calm down a bit now................ Arghhhhh!!!!!!!!
When I was rebuilding my 110 it put up a fight every step of the way.

I came in one evening covered in grease and blood to find my 2 kids laying under the coffee table, banging about with knives and forks.
"what are you two up to?" I asked
"Fixing our Landrover" they replied

My youngest then proceeded to shout "oh, for f**k sake!!" and lobbed the 'tools' she was using across the lounge!
When I was rebuilding my 110 it put up a fight every step of the way.

I came in one evening covered in grease and blood to find my 2 kids laying under the coffee table, banging about with knives and forks.
"what are you two up to?" I asked
"Fixing our Landrover" they replied

My youngest then proceeded to shout "oh, for f**k sake!!" and lobbed the 'tools' she was using across the lounge!
I got a bollocking from the wife for something very similar when my lad was pretending to fix his little battery ride on 4x4 with some of my less dangerous tools, he had it on its side and was hidden behind it "tinkering" when my wife asked him what he was doing he said "trying to get this bastard thing off but i think its fooked coz it won't fooking move" Oh i wasn't a popular chap for a day or two i can tell ya. :rofl:
Well after a nights sleep and being told by the better half to stop swearing and if i don't like to frigging sell it as it is doing her tits in!!!!!! Its nice to see that i am not the only one who has bad days doing the simplest jobs and gets in trouble for it! Ordered some stainless steel fittings so we shall see how round two go,s
If all else fails i can always beat it to death with a hammer and attack it with a chainsaw if it refuses to realise i am trying to help it!!!
You would think they are doing it on purpose. You know after reading back what i have written i think i am going completely bloody nuts:pound:

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