Have you named your Landy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 61.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 8.8%
  • Not Yet

    Votes: 8 11.8%
  • Think its sad...

    Votes: 12 17.6%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Have you named your Landy? If so... What and Why?... I've not named mine yet, like the idea, but not entirely sure why. For me, I think it'll mostly be the fact I've put so much time in to her that she feels very special and deserves a status greater than just 'a car'. Bit weird maybe...
My latest one is called Dixie the Disco, partly because it's our tradition and partly because her reg no. is DB-941-DX;

Previous ones have been called Dora, Daisy II & III, Disco Duck, Dusty, Rudy (red colour), T62, Françoise (she was a very sophisticated DII ES) and Lexie the LR Def.

And I also think it's sad!

My 110 was called Scratchy - I was thinking of buying it (a beat-up yellow truck cab) and saw a post on here where someone was complaining about Scratchy lanes. It stuck.

My SII is called Itchy, kinda follwed on.
I got Sylvia coz shes. Silver and red. Coz. Shes red. loads of thought gone intothem mames. Lol. Bpth discos. Red will be no more. When I get around to breakin her
I thought if you named them then you cant eat them? Bit like pets etc?
It has to be safer just in case you get peckish?
I named mine BUG, Big Ugly + Grey and LUG Little Ugly + Grey.
130" and 80".
Named my 90 'Black Duck' because I had a sticker left over from doing a boat called that

Trouble is its blue now and I need a name:rolleyes:


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Mine's the beast...just coz she's big and frightens other car owners when she edges out in front of them at junctions and they stop to let her in :D
Mine's called Euphorbie(4) simply because the man in the dealership where I used to go to for all my Landys, used to say, in a heavily accented voice, 'yu4be4' whenever I went to collect it!
My 90 is called yolandy after a ex eastenders character because i liked the sound of it.
The p38 was called ronnie the rangie :)
I have a green 200 which I call the Green Hornet and a red td5 which I call the Green Hornet just to save confusion, I used to have a blue 300 auto which I called the Green Hornet. I also call them all F**kin P*xy heap of S**t sometimes normally when I've burned/cut myself working on them.

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