
New Member
Hi, got pulled over over the other day by local cops' :( apparently i had to much tyre tread! :) ''a new one on me! I usualy havent got enough..

''said 8mm is the maximum depth SIR even if tyres have an road approval markings on them SIR'' :cool:

I sujested if they come back next month i could try and wear some off in the mean time :rolleyes:

They left after a radio call to confirm the weight of vechail? :cool: which has to be over 2.5ton to have more than 8mm tyre tread!

News to me, apparently ''a deep tread pattern needs the weight to be able warm the rubber up for extra grip'' sir.

An absloute must be for when i hit 55mph.....;)
Not doubting you at all, I can quite well believe it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
The sheer ordacity of Plod never ceases to amaze me. To much tyre tread indeed. Our local farce (oops sorry) er force drive round in a Jap 4x4, saw them the other day using it to chase some kids on the local playing field after it had rained. Ordinary road tyres on it. All over the place it was.

Bloody Superstars or what.

Regards WP.
so where does that leave the army with their huge chunky treads??
ello ello ello whats all this tread
i'll have to arrest you private you have too much tread
.... bugger off or i'll shoot you
I reckon the filth cut it to suit themselves Slob, if their missuss gives em a hard time they take it out on some poor sap whilst on duty. I reckon they go for law abiding folk cos they see them as easy prey. Dont here much about coppers being out of their depth in a "situation" of the motorist variety because the gits know what to look for.
i been stopped for no other reason than the cops wanted to look at me car. once when i was leaving a pub car park they said i had taken a corner too wide. i came back with " if you was watching that close you would have seen the drunk step off the kerb, i was just avoiding him" of course there was no drunk but then again there was no wide taking of the corner either. anyway he had to pause for a minute to think of what to say as there was a crowd stood at the corner. he then made me blow into the bag,which was a waste of time. in the end he started asking about the car.

but me bestest one was this...........................

i was proceeding in a direction when a cop car past on the other side of the road. as i looked in me mirror i seen his brake lights come on. so i thought i'll get him.. the stretch of road we was on was a dual carrageway between two roundabouts.
so i drove down to the round about and came back up the same bit of road, passing the cops again. got to the next round about and did the same again. as the cops were trying to catch me they was going faster and eventually caught up with me.
the next bit was the best bit, i drove round the roundabout faster than the cops till i was behind them. i seen the driver look in his mirror and nudge his mate to look behind. the two of them looked round at the same time. so i waved at them and took the next exit and carried on home. i think they just got piffed off and went to harrass someone else.
Absolute stunner that one Slob, me missus thought that was great when she read it. Mind you shes had one or two run ins with the tossers regarding speeding. They aint got anything else better to do than harrass motorists.

After all thieves, murderers and rapists dont generate any revenue for them.

Regards WP.
155 was the fastest i got clocked at, i have no idea what me fastest speed is cos i'm too busy looking where i'm going
I got stopped for excess speed. I haggled with the copper for 99mph and he agreed to it ..... then let me off as it was 3am and he was a biker too. The bike has the facility to recall fastst recorded speed .... 156 mph ..... beat ya Mr Slob!
1) I was going down the A13 doing around 140 and accelerating, he came up a slip road

2) The bike is Italian and is credited by MCN with having the most accurate speedo on any bike. At Santa-Pod I was given a terminal speed of 172, the bike said 173. Accurate enough for me!
ok i believe you. i reckon me bestest would have been around 160 ish not counting aeroplanes
If that is true, then every land rover driver in the country is/was breaking the law because most new 4x4 road tyres come with around 11mm of tread.

Got to be careful here cos the missus brother is a copper, and one with a gun at that! She gets very defensive when I do a healthy bit of copper
bashing (not literally I may add!)

Been 'clocked' speeding twice, been caught - never! first time on motorway doing 1++, saw them on the bridge, but they left the obvious escape route into the motorway services 1/2 mile away. Saw a car and motorbike pull out to get me and the bloke in front of me! I just sat in the services and waited! Second time the copper was walking across the road in front of me after pointing his gun at me, I made a quick left hand turn into the side road about 50 yards in front of him and disappeared through the estate! Shouldn't leave such obvious escape routes should they.

A good friend of mine was stopped the other day for having a break light out, he had a spare so said he would fit it straight away. Copper said he would give him a producer whilst he was at it, but my friend said he had all the paperwork with him. Copper told him he didn't have time to look at it, and he had to take it to the station - despite him having time to write out the producer! w*nker. Guess he had to fill that months targets. Pathetic. Is there any wonder they have a bad name.

Yes, I've had a couple too. No idea why this knob wouldn't look at his there and then. He's a good friend, I don't disbelieve him.
They are incorrect when they state that there is too much tread. After all they are only human!!

We had a debate at work after we were stopped and told that we could not drive a school minibus in a bus lane. A quick check of the highway code brought a full apology from the station.


Was in traffic jam on M11 where average speed is measured between two points. Often wondered if it measures less than 1mph cause that's about all the fook we were doing!
i did the 3peaks challenge on thu/fri and we got pulled by the filth near Scafell Pike at 2.30am. they said we was swerving over the white lines and it looked like the passenger was reaching over at the driver! then they asked us if we were lost! so we said it was prob the bags in the bag obskewering their view and that we were unaware of the swerving... they said 3peaks? ai we said... they said, "wont keep you any longer then chaps" and off we went!

lucky escape. any longer and we wont have beaten the 24hr limit! i got our volvo xc70 hire car over 115mph around Carlisle :)
I am nearly finished doing all the work to my 90 so it'll be going on the road soon so i am flogging my mondeo (had it 5an half years) i will miss it dearly:(Pic taken at elvington air strip..Honest!


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