Evening all!
Speaking to a more experienced L322 owner today, who advised "CHIPPING" the L322 for better performance & economy!
Does anyone have any recomendations as to which of the 100 listed on ebay would be best??

(I really don't want to bother the other guy as he has been too helpful so far!!)

So any comments or advise would be appreciated!!

Evening all!
Speaking to a more experienced L322 owner today, who advised "CHIPPING" the L322 for better performance & economy!
Does anyone have any recomendations as to which of the 100 listed on ebay would be best??

(I really don't want to bother the other guy as he has been too helpful so far!!)

So any comments or advise would be appreciated!!


I'll send you a link to the one I bought on eBay

You will get mixed reviews on the tuning of the td6

It is known to shorten the life of the gearbox due to delivering more Torque than the gearbox can already handle

But IMO its worth the risk lol
As long as your not constantly flooring it everywhere than your not using that extra BHP gain
I decided not to chip. Too many horror stories and as I don't know if gearbox has been changed , although I did do an oil change, I don't want to push my luck. I lost 10% mpg when I changed my fuel pump and have learned to live with it. :(
You cannot chip anything and get better performance AND better fuel economy it's does not work that way. You can chip for economy OR you can chip for performance you cannot have both at the same time.
Depends on the driving circumstances really i'd say. My audi 2.5 V6 went from 187BHP to 234 BHP when i got that done performance was certainly enhanced IF i put my foot down, however my average Consuption went from 24-25 up to 29-31 and that was measured with a tank of fuel by litres used not with the On Board Computer. Engine using less fuel to achieve same performance basically.
Depends on the driving circumstances really i'd say. My audi 2.5 V6 went from 187BHP to 234 BHP when i got that done performance was certainly enhanced IF i put my foot down, however my average Consuption went from 24-25 up to 29-31 and that was measured with a tank of fuel by litres used not with the On Board Computer. Engine using less fuel to achieve same performance basically.
Was that petrol??

The only way to increase performance in a diesel is to squirt more fuel in....

With a petrol you can do a mixture of Air and Fuel adjustments to increase power so you can make a small increase in mpg...

With a diesel as there is no throttle to control the amount of air, the only thing that increases power output is an increase in fuelling....
Was that petrol??

The only way to increase performance in a diesel is to squirt more fuel in....

With a petrol you can do a mixture of Air and Fuel adjustments to increase power so you can make a small increase in mpg...

With a diesel as there is no throttle to control the amount of air, the only thing that increases power output is an increase in fuelling....

As above I think the way it works out better MPG is the gear changes

Since fitting the chip on mine it doesn't hold gears for so long and it changes up earlier thus saving fuel :)
Plus I didn't fit mine to save fuel ! I wouldn't be driving a range rover if I was worried about fuel consumption

I have always fitted chips to my diesel cars as they make them much better to drive

Although the chip has an Eco mode but I haven't tried it lol
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was just gonna say to saint then yes but your thinking about it the wrong way, of course to make more power you need to burn more fuel thats common sense, the economy comes with the reduction of friction, As a result, the engine may be able to cope with a particular driving situation in a gear one higher than is normal.
The principle of using very tall gearing for better economy is well understood and can be seen in so many of today's 6-speed cars.

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