
New Member

I thought I'd stick a post on about this.

I went into the high street key cutting/shoe repairs company Timpsons today to get a blank key cut for my Discovery.

I supplied the key to the Assistant who informed as a Company they no longer cut customer supplied keys. The reason being, recently the Company had to pay out over 2 grand to someone who supplied their own key for cutting and it subsequently broke in his car ignition.

Timpsons can supply keys for Land Rover and will code and cut them for you at a cost of approx £150. I didn't want to do this as I had my key given to me when I bought the car. I then got it coded by an independent at a cost of £30 incl VAT. All I wanted was it cut.

Here's the praise coming. The Assistant called another Branch at my request to price them supplying a coded and cut key. He saw my face drop when he said "approx £150". He then quickly took my keys off me and stuck them in the key cutting machine. 5 minutes later I was out the shop with my new key ready to go. What a guy :angel:

I took him in a tin of biscuits and he was well chuffed.
This story indicates both what is good and bad about society. It shows some people are still ready to help, and others see any misfortune as the fault of somebody else and an opportunity to make some money.
If I ever lose the key to my 90, I just buy an ice lolly. A refreshing snack and a new fully functioning key all in one package.
I supplied the key to the Assistant who informed as a Company they no longer cut customer supplied keys. The reason being, recently the Company had to pay out over 2 grand to someone who supplied their own key for cutting and it subsequently broke in his car ignition.

Had to pay? Shouldn't this read chose to pay. Another gutless company.

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