
Active Member
Hello all. Just trying to time my v8 on a s3. I'm wondering if the metal arrow timing marker that corresponds with timing marks on the pulley is irrelevant as it would have possibly been tthe marker for the original 2.5, four cylinder engine? If so how best to time the v8, by ear/trial and error?

Thanks a lot. P
I mean the metal timing arrow thing could possibly be from the 2.5 petrol original, engine not the pulley itself.
The rover v8 should have timing marks on the timing cover. As long as the firing order is correct, I would recommend just adjusting the timing by feel, with a bit of experience it's better than a timing light in my opinion. Cheers
I wouldn't bother too much about timing marks, except as a guide with a timing light, as the correct setting for a new engine may not be so after years of wear 'n tear.

If ever I feel the need to alter the timing on my 3.5efi I do it the old fashioned way. Running on your chosen grade of petrol simply loosen the clamp bolt just enough to allow the dizzy to be turned by hand & drive enough miles for the engine to reach running temp. Find a stretch of road with an uphill incline & adjust the timing to the point where the engine pinks/pings if you floor the throttle, then repeat the same run whilst backing the dizzy off a fraction at a time until the pinging stops.

Re-tighten dizzy clamp, sounds obvious but ..
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To set this engine to TDC take the left hand rocker cover off (as viewed from the driver's seat facing forwards).
Remove No1 spark plug - front cylinder on the same side.
Put a long metal rod through the plug hole into No1 so it rests on the piston. Be sure it's long enough NOT to fall into the cylinder!
Turn the engine in the normal direction of rotation until both valves on No1 are closed & the piston is at the top of the compression stroke.

Very likely you will go past TDC & if you do turn the engine backwards until the piston is well down the bore before bringing it back up again to TDC. This will help to take out any slack.

If you have the original V8 pulley on the engine with the marks stamped on it & the little metal pointer bolted to the front of the engine the pointer should be pointing roughly at the TDC mark.

The rotor arm should be pointing at the lead for No1 spark plug.

Dynamic setting by road test as in norseman's post above^^^^
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