
New Member
After a relatively hassle free time with the old girl (95 4.6 HSE) over the last couple of years, other than a scare to do with a coolant leak, seized rear brake pads and the countless other issues I had conveniently forgotten about:eek:

Its time to address some of the MOT advisories that have cropped up.

These include all 4 air bags
all 4 shocks
and both ball joints on the drag link assembly

and I think the exhaust is on the way out, plus the idle is a bit rough.

So time to dust off the wallet and tools.

I've decided to go with the Arnott Gen II bags all round, would go with the III's but don't think I'll benefit from the extra cost. Although the devil on my shoulder keeps telling me different:D

I'll just get a full replacement Drag link assembly, as it appears to be a bit of a mare trying to replace just the ball joints, and for the extra £18 I'll take the easier option

Where I need advice is on the shocks and exhaust.
what shocks to go for? The girl mostly does road work, but every now and again she gets to go off road.

and what exhaust? would like a slightly better sound, so as to hear that V8. Not cruising round town on a Friday night loud, just so as to appreciate the rumble a bit more:D

I was also thinking that while I'm doing all this I might change the bushes. Now I don't have access to a press, so I was thinking of going down the poly bush route, after having drilled/hacked/burned/smacked the old ones out. Anybody got any favourite poly bushes to use on a P38? I've seen the Britpart ones for £60, and I've read differing reviews on them.

So thats my long easter weekend planned out, just need to get the parts.

Any pointers would be gratefully received


Wouldn't advise britpart polybushes as I had problems with those. I do use their shocks and indeed air-springs. Perhaps with the money saved you can do as I did and get genuine LR rubber bushes, the combination appears to work well.
I run GenIII's with Boge shocks, quite happy with the ride, far less body roll on the twisty stuff. I found the biggest improvement on my ride was when I fitted General Grabber UHP tyres, they really did smooth things out.

Went for a bog standard exhaust and never had to change the bushes so can't offer any advice there I'm afraid.

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