
Hi all,

As an avid camper/backpacker, i spend a lot of time up in the lakes, but this time i was with the family and chose to stay on a cracking little site called fishergrounds in Eskdale.

Very family/kid friendly site ideally located for various walks at different levels of fitness.

The reason for my post was to mention that i found some cracking roads to tackle in the landy.... the main ones being Hardknott Pass and wrynose pass. The roads were suprisingly quiet so tackled Hardknott first. Good job i had the low range..... it is a lot steeper than i remembered.... its years since i have driven over there. The views were quite limited due to low cloud but still it did not dissapoint.

Then it was onto wrynose, not as steep but still very scenic with a few nice hairpins...down into little langdale.

We then drove back through the duddon valley and eventually back over Ulpha and returned back into Eskdale.

On our return journey, we went via Wastwater.... the weather was superb and the views were breathtaking looking over towards the Langdale pikes.

All in all a very good week with some good camping, good pubs, and great roads

The landy performed great, no hiccups whatsoever, and after having completed just under 400 miles, she never complained once and considering the amount of gear we had with us, she surprised even me.... roof box and all!

I'll be back up there in a couple of weeks backpacking, but alone this time so can tackle some more serious walks


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