
New Member
Just bought a 67 series IIA and decided for some silly idea to take it to Timbuktu and back. Haven't even driven it on the road as yet. Any help on preparation and kit that i might need to make this journey that little bit more bearable???????????
well yeah there is that and also the door pillars need repairing, the blower needs wiring in. among a few other small things.
Just bought a 67 series IIA and decided for some silly idea to take it to Timbuktu and back. Haven't even driven it on the road as yet. Any help on preparation and kit that i might need to make this journey that little bit more bearable???????????
ear defenders ........ ah said ear defenders!!
are they really that bad???? i was thinking of sound proofing and some carpets and panels. Or will that not help that much?????
well this is just great. i think my dad best go instead as he is already deaf and has no teeth of his own.
Any more usefull advice is welcome
it's all part of the fun , you'll have nothing to worry about when your deaf and all your teeth have gone . just enjoy it !!!!
it's all part of the fun , you'll have nothing to worry about when your deaf and all your teeth have gone . just enjoy it !!!!

but at 23 do i really want to have so much fun that i lose my hearing and also my teeth????? HMMMM maybe i do
i do want to. I really want to. But need to know if she's gonna kill me on the way. She being the landy not the wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when you've fell in love with it , and you will , you won't mind what it do'es cos thats what they do !!
just service it , try to slow the leaks a bit and don't rush it , cos series don't do rush !
it puts my mind at ease that she has no leaks. and adding to the fact the previous owners include Frog Island 4x4 who used it daily and also a bloke i know who has enviable amounts of cash to throw at it
Seriously theres oil in it. Shes mint at the mo, 40 years old in october and its in better nick then most new cars. But then again i ahven't driven it yet. So things will change
i need some luxuries and can't afford air con and cd players like some people so i'll make do with the reflection of my face on the shiny bonnet.

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