I loved the bit about the indicator stalk being on the wrong side... For a country that drive on the left! Very funny read. Did anyone see the Wheeler Dealers/Auto Trader program where Mike Brewer dismissed all Freelanders because of the 1.8 HG being crap.
A very interesting article, not really all that far wrong. Obviously there is some exaggeration there but not as much as we might hope.
The Americans hate anybody who sells to many cars in their back yard.
Just ask Toyota, funny how they took a massive hit when the American car big boys were in serious trouble.....
I had to chuckle at......

"The Rover 1.8 and 2.5 V6 petrol engines were designed by Satan and assembled by monkeys"
" child restraint anchor was fitted upside down and may come off in use"

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We all know landrover products especially the early Freelander have their reliability and quality issues but this report has too many inaccuracies and items that are just plain wrong for it to be of any value to the prospective buyer or owner. Making statements about fundamental engineering principles and getting it wrong makes everything else in the article open to question regardless of it's accuracy.
We all know landrover products especially the early Freelander have their reliability and quality issues but this report has too many inaccuracies and items that are just plain wrong for it to be of any value to the prospective buyer or owner. Making statements about fundamental engineering principles and getting it wrong makes everything else in the article open to question regardless of it's accuracy.
True that. Spotted many mistakes which were more opinion rather than fact.

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