**** mud....we let the girls drive in the mud every year at the county fair. We like big hard rocks.....and just a little mud to help cover the rust.
That video was nothing but Italians winching rigs through the woods. Rigs are for driving and winches are only for emergancy use. Annd what is with the water fjording??? No challange there... I could do that in a Chevy Vega.
you'd have to define exactly what you mean. if you mean " a long time wiff the thought process" i wouldn't consider abart 5secs a long time. if you mean a " a long time from when you posted the original comment" then thats because i didn't read it until abart 10 secs before i posted my comment
I meant the latter. I think you read it and then had to think about it for a week to reply:rolleyes: But if you said you just read it.... I'll believe you this time:D
a week to think about it???????? you must think am a septic!!! well i can tell you am not! so up yours elmer
The first vid is waaay better. Id much rather do that than sit in the mud moving at 0.5mph. Boring.

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