
After owning a Defender 90 for 10 years (and loving it) I dipped my foot into the dark side and bought a Disco 3, 4 years ago! Finally after numerous expensive bills I think I'm ready to come back to a Defender!!! I fancy a 110 Utility wagon but have a few queries someone may be able to help me with!
- What's an honest 'about town' mpg on a 2010 model?
- I'm a bit paranoid about safety as we have a 5 year old and wondered how practical it is to fit an internal roll cage? Or do they even need one?
Thanks in advance!
After owning a Defender 90 for 10 years (and loving it) I dipped my foot into the dark side and bought a Disco 3, 4 years ago! Finally after numerous expensive bills I think I'm ready to come back to a Defender!!! I fancy a 110 Utility wagon but have a few queries someone may be able to help me with!
- What's an honest 'about town' mpg on a 2010 model?
- I'm a bit paranoid about safety as we have a 5 year old and wondered how practical it is to fit an internal roll cage? Or do they even need one?
Thanks in advance!

If you can afford to buy a 2010 why are you concerned about MPG??

As for safety, buy a Volvo or an Audi or summat like tha.

My 2009 110 XS UW averaged 23mpg over the 30k miles that I had it.

Can't comment about the roll cage.
Why would you want to roll a 2010 defender? :eek:

Mpg would be the least of your worries then :D

nice of the bugger to not even bother with an intro thread and then ask about buying a tran**** van
We do trys our best :D

if you want a straight answer then you gotta use this forum in the correct way...

make a account then make your first post in the "introduce yourself" section ;)
only gotta say something like Hi, im Terry currently own a discovery 3, thinking about getting a 110 because... blah blah ;)

Then of course play about with the search functions on this site, even if sometimes it is useless, we all have to try :)

we get all to many come on here asking in their first post "whats the biggest tyres I can fit to my LR" :rolleyes:
Friendly bunch on here aren't you....

They haven't even started yet:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Play the game, and this is the only Landy forum you will ever need with regard to being able to fix our prospective motor.
The beauty of the place being there isn't a huge list of rules, BUT.........
Peeps do like a quick intro (as has been pointed out);).
Try and use the 'Search' button, yes it's sometimes crap:(, but at least try.
Don't ask about 'Whats the biggest tyres':eek:
All polls must have a 'BoB is gay' option;).
You wouldn't walk into a strange pub and without some sort of introduction immediately start asking questions would you:confused::confused:

Thats about it really, certainly not difficult, however if you throw your toys out of the pram at the first sign of sarcasm/**** taking, then perhaps you have come to the wrong shop:rolleyes::rolleyes:. Join in by all means, even give a bit back and peeps will often go out of there way to be helpful, but having a second post stating "Friendly bunch on here aren't you...." will not encourage people to give advice to someone they do not know, even if it is only 'Virtually know';););)
I'm working at the moment but is this another dummy spitting session about to kick off? I'm willing to take a break and join in if I'm needed :)
If you can afford to buy a 2010 why are you concerned about MPG??

As for safety, buy a Volvo or an Audi or summat like tha.


helpful as ever :rolleyes:

Just because someone can afford to buy a newer vehicle (4 years old mind) doesn't mean they want to then spend the next 4 years pouring £100's a week into the fuel tank.
I drive a 2008 Disco 3 - I spend £200 a week on fuel on it - does fuel efficiency bother me? Yes it bloody well does, if it was only doing 23mpg it would be costing me significantly more than £200 a week.

the OP is talking about a utility, maybe he needs the space and off-road capability the 110 offers (equally why he owns a D3 currently) or maybe he just likes Land Rover's - safety of putting kids in it is still a very valid question, are you sure you don't want to suggest he doesn't put his kids in a car full stop, or let them out of the house for that matter, i mean, danger lurks around every corner.

After owning a Defender 90 for 10 years (and loving it) I dipped my foot into the dark side and bought a Disco 3, 4 years ago! Finally after numerous expensive bills I think I'm ready to come back to a Defender!!! I fancy a 110 Utility wagon but have a few queries someone may be able to help me with!
- What's an honest 'about town' mpg on a 2010 model?
- I'm a bit paranoid about safety as we have a 5 year old and wondered how practical it is to fit an internal roll cage? Or do they even need one?
Thanks in advance!


Ignore some of the trolling retards on the forum, although it would be wise to wonder over to the Introduction section and say hello first :)

What problems have you had with the D3?

Afraid i can't help you out with 110 questions as I don't own one (Although I have a suspicious feeling i just bought a 2009 3 door 110 with 10k on the clock... not sure how the wife will take that... :eek:)

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