
New Member
1) Chemical toilet strapped to your ankle
2) Lunch and tea
3) Scalpel

And here's why.

I posted recently with what I thought was a great fix to replace the guaze mesh that covers the blower air intakes at the base of the screen that had perished and was the cause of water in the passenger's footwell.

No sooner had I finished the job than I read another post by someone who had an even better idea i.e to use cut foam rather than my original fix.

Simple I thought undid the bottom screws from the cover, manouvered the foam - job done, simples.

Well almost done. No sooner had i packed everything away than I noticed one piece of the foam had moved slightly. I decided to just move it a tad with my fingers and that would be that.

That was at 12.30 yesterday afternoon and weren't my bloody fingers stuck in that grille for bloody hours. No matter what i tried i couldn't get them out. All my tools were just out of reach, I tried dragging the box with my foot but my other arm wasn't long enough to reach. My thoughts even turned to ripping something off from the engine bay but typical range Rover, nothing just falls off when you want it to.

I live in the absolute middle of knowhere, not a soul for miles. Me mobile was indoors and i was stuck fast to the bloody car.

Three hours later, half an hour late to pick my kids up from school, salvation arrives in the form of the postie. Large screwdriver in good hand, fingers prized free, and mad rush to the loo only to find the dog had bees crapping all over the floor 'cos she couldn't get out.

Moral of the story - always be prepared, and if you need a bloody idiot to help - send me a PM.
1) Chemical toilet strapped to your ankle
2) Lunch and tea
3) Scalpel

And here's why.

I posted recently with what I thought was a great fix to replace the guaze mesh that covers the blower air intakes at the base of the screen that had perished and was the cause of water in the passenger's footwell.

No sooner had I finished the job than I read another post by someone who had an even better idea i.e to use cut foam rather than my original fix.

Simple I thought undid the bottom screws from the cover, manouvered the foam - job done, simples.

Well almost done. No sooner had i packed everything away than I noticed one piece of the foam had moved slightly. I decided to just move it a tad with my fingers and that would be that.

That was at 12.30 yesterday afternoon and weren't my bloody fingers stuck in that grille for bloody hours. No matter what i tried i couldn't get them out. All my tools were just out of reach, I tried dragging the box with my foot but my other arm wasn't long enough to reach. My thoughts even turned to ripping something off from the engine bay but typical range Rover, nothing just falls off when you want it to.

I live in the absolute middle of knowhere, not a soul for miles. Me mobile was indoors and i was stuck fast to the bloody car.

Three hours later, half an hour late to pick my kids up from school, salvation arrives in the form of the postie. Large screwdriver in good hand, fingers prized free, and mad rush to the loo only to find the dog had bees crapping all over the floor 'cos she couldn't get out.

Moral of the story - always be prepared, and if you need a bloody idiot to help - send me a PM.


If there's no pictures it didn't happen
them's the rules

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