I wonder if anyone can help.

I got woken up during the night on Tuesday by three scumbags trying to nick my 110. The worst part, they were driving a Mark 1(might have been a II) V8 discovery, light silver or white with black trim. This thing was souped-up and looked like it was used for green laning, it was mega loud and very fast.

One of the lads I got a glimpse of was around 5'10, medium build with mousy brown shoulder-length hair.

The police say that they are hitting Northumberland quite badly at the minute.

I'm thinking someone might have come across this car at some point.

Long shot.

Thanks for the heads up, mate. I'll keep my eyes open for that Disco.

Without being too specific, which part of God's County did this happen?
Good to know and I'll also keep an eye out for the disco. Cheers.
Hope they didn't damage your Landy :mad:

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