
New Member
I replaced my alternator, and it turns out what i had was rear, the problem i have now is that the pully wheel does not fit the new one, as the spindle is diffrent the place i got the new one off says i need pully RTC5686 for the new one.

Which is well and good but they are £60-70 quid for a small metal wheel 4 inchs across....

Tried ebay on that part number and nothign showed up and goolge is only brining up the £70 ones, any one know of any where cheaper to get one?

Becuse atm, this is not going to happen,

Untitled by Abhorsen The Final Death, on Flickr

I might be able to get that one milled out on monday, when one of the guys come's back of holiday which would be better than buying a new one.
Yeah try one of the scrapyards on Cleveland street in Birkenhead, you can get a whole alternator (secondhand ) for less than a quarter of the price of that pulley.
There also used to be a landrover specialist in one of the small yards between the scrapyards.
Thanks will have a look at cleaveland street, I spoke to the guy I know in work he said, he could boar out the hole in the middle on monday if needs be.

Just a pain that sucha simple job has taken me two weeks, so far, and i dont belive how much they charge for a wheel that small.
Don't think boring the hole out will work, the alternator shaft has a thread on it to transfer drive from the pulley to the shaft. If you just bore a hole without thread cutting it its just going to spin on the shaft!
Don't think boring the hole out will work, the alternator shaft has a thread on it to transfer drive from the pulley to the shaft. If you just bore a hole without thread cutting it its just going to spin on the shaft!

Could always stick a grub screw through pulley into shaft
Why not take your original alternator to an auto electrician to be refurbed/rebuilt?
Careful Ratty, you're showing your age.
Repair? Refurbish?
It's only us oldies who talk of such things.

If summit is rare or unobtainable then repairing makes sense to me. :)

Mechanics ain't mechanics any more. :(
Aint that the truth. If it cant be replaced and needs repairing they dont want to know.

it's because they charge anywhere from 35-60 quid ph. after a couple hours of them mucking and the cost of new internals then you could have had a new alt. nevermind the warranty.

it's only worthwhile repairing expensive gear, or if it's done by someone on the side in their own time.
Because people who do know how to fix things, think they know a secret magic that must never be shared and charge far to much. Plus i took it to bits to get the pulley off it before I realised it was useless on the new one.

Its the same reason, a new pulley £70! for a 4 inch metal wheel......

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