
New Member
IS everyone ok from the people that camped at the show after Saturday’s weather change?
I was caught up in the photo centre from the off roading it was a nightmare with the rain and very high winds we thought it was a mini tornado what does every one else think it was.

I heard some people got killed and saw a land rover had a tree up lifted on to its roof.
Email me emmacollege@btinternet.com and let me know what you thought it was.
I wasn't at the show when it happened but had been there earlier and the day before (and nearly died from the heat :D) . I was out and about driving through Northampton out towards Moulton and it was terrible.

Saw an Audi TT on Round Spinney roundabout almost have a complete accident as it came racing off one of the roads onto the roundabout and s/he obviously didnt see the standing water that was steadliy gathering on the roundabout, he shot through it, water went everywhere and s/he slid about across two lanes before almost going sideways into one of the traffic lights. Luckily the person driving got control again and was ok but driving at the speed s/he was in that type of rain was just madness.

In some parts there was flash flooding and some cars were having to stop as they couldnt (or didn't dare to) get through some of the flooded roads. Was a rather great feeling just cruising past them and straight on through the water.

When it was all happening I did think about everyone down at the show and hoped they were all ok though. Does anyone know how badly the Defender was damaged when that tree came down on it. Was everyone ok??

-Wills :)
the defender dented the roof and the windowscreen was cracked from the weight they had to get the tree surgons to come out and check out all of the trees.
yes we were all complaing because of the heat and then that happened
I was there friday and it was too bloody hot and to top it all I had to spend half the day under the bonnet of my mates rangie. We left friday night at about 7pm and was off to wales to do all the welsh lanes " BOYO " We had No rain or storms at all in 5 days.....Strange.....
wills said:
Does anyone know how badly the Defender was damaged when that tree came down on it. Was everyone ok??

The Trailmasters Land Rover was significantly damaged. There's pictures posted on other fora. Showing true Land Rover Spirit, one of their competitors (Atlas Overland, I think) have loaned them an expedition-ready 110 for a trip this week.


I spent the downpour in the APB tent. thanks chaps. Some guys were fitting a 90 with a roofrack outside, then later on one of the staff had to start clearing the demo 110 rack as it looked like that was sold too to someone who wouldn't wait. After it slackend risked going over to the RRR stand to pay my sub. It was dry in there until caroline the membership sec spilt her tea.
Good few of the thinner gazebos bit the dust.
I didn't seem to have much time to see stuff this year, though I was there 9 hours. Don't understand that.
Miniman said:
We had No rain or storms at all in 5 days.....Strange.....

No rain in Wales? Hmmm... methinks Yella Disco has finally perfected his orgone accumulator (probably stole the plans from Ming) ;)
Yep dry as a bone even strata florida was dipressing. You could walk the lane in trainers and still not get ya feet wet..... Got to go back in winter with my rubber ring and oxygen tank.......oh and goggles.....he he :D

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