
New Member
Mission accomplished. Agin, the Dibnah goes laning & agin makes it back unner s'own steam! Gettin' to be a habit this!

Ere' HB, up fer an evenin' next week to go fer a quick TOSS?

Anyways, 1 pic o' the Dibnah joining a lane, 1 of me III & the Dibnah at the boozer afferwurds!


Bluddy did, had sum big muddy 'oles it did too. Do wish we'd gone back and dun that big dip mind, but hey, it'll be thar next time.

That wuz a good little trip out. Roman Road to the Roman town, I like a bit of 'istory me.
Cheers Daft, Daft. ;)
Ah, that ****'ll be me then. Quite like 'em as it goes. If the last lane we wuz headed for weren'tent blocked off woulda needed them too, wuz gettin' dark.
Giv it time. We wuz talkin' t'night aboot putting an' Edelbrock or sum sorta downdraughty thing on it & having a toob thru' me bonnet..................hmm, pervect place fer a guppie bowl that.
That were on here before I posted it from youtube. Or was it Mud-club I put it on. Hang on I'll go find it.
I went to Kent Custom Bike Show about 20 years ago and there was a bloke there with a Rover SD1 V8 engined bike.