
AntiSeptic Sandal Wearer
Does anyone else experience this.

The theory is that your landy always has to have to serious things wrong with it at any one time (i'm not talking all the ****y little things, i'm only talking real MOT failures you know about but keep putting off)

You fix one of the REAL problems and within 100 miles you develop another completely unrelated one. No matter how many of these you fix, there are always two on the go at any one time.

I think the answer is to think of the two least serious "serious" problems you can, and just let em run (cause em if necessary) - there will never be three problems in one go, and as soon as you fix one of em, it will be replaced by a potentially more serious problem.

Anyone else experience this phenomenon?
Oi, Oddie - can yer bring that Rocker cover wiv yer tomorra?
Pleeeeeze mate.
nope my landy had fooked crossmember, leaky fool tank and swivel pin gone all at the same time

so that fooks that theory
nope my landy had fooked crossmember, leaky fool tank and swivel pin gone all at the same time

so that fooks that theory

OK so maybe people have different degrees of the problem, but basically you fix summat and summat else replaces it as a problem.
Well, actually, I spose I have got 2 faults at the mo, if you define "serious" as potential MOT failure points. Me andbrake needs adjustin and me clutch peddle rubber as gone awol.
Hmm...the electrical fault miraculously got replaced on mine with a massive oil leak!
right i got more than two a 3foot strip of missing chassis no rear light no seats no rear tub 3 missing wheel studs i thing there all mot failiurs
It's OK, it was just the oil filter pipe from the cooler had decided to come undone at a random time (all over me neighbours drive!!!) so it weren't a difficult fix, but i just thort it a bit typical that the other problem had sorted itself about 50 miles earlier! (luckily just in time for MOT man!)
It's OK, it was just the oil filter pipe from the cooler had decided to come undone at a random time (all over me neighbours drive!!!) so it weren't a difficult fix, but i just thort it a bit typical that the other problem had sorted itself about 50 miles earlier! (luckily just in time for MOT man!)

So has it passed then?
Just as i though.... Never remembered failing one on the Clutch pedal but i can remember failing a XK8 on a brake pedal rubber
failed a young lads saxo for having aftermarket pedals on that were nice and smooth!! waste of 30 quid!!
i got a clunking when i brake, its comming from the front axle i think ? sounds like a brake pad clunking when i brake. when the weather gets a bit better im gonna give it a good dose of looking at and get the problem sorted. i dont like problems !
my clonkings got worse! turning right hand corners, had a look yesterday and the left front chassis bush is dead! was fine 2 months ago when i put new springs and shackles on. started using the volvo instead now!
i cant make my mind up if its from the front axle or if its the A frame ball joint and the sound is traveling ? ill find out when i get under it.

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