
Green Laning Activist.
Forum Sponsor
Ok all as a result of the civilised laning thread it's now found it's way onto here.

The result is a trip from Oswestry to the welsh coast by some spectacular lanes ending up at a reasonably priced hotel overnight and more lanes the next day heading back to England.

Obviously the hotel will have to be pre booked so here is a starter to gauge interest, a perfect opportunity to introduce your wives, significant others or civil partners.

I'll be leading the trip and sorting accommodation, the hotel including food will be hopefully around £60 for two people (or per room) for the night. but it'll be confirmed later.
Also deposits will be requested nearer the time.

So if you're interested add your name.

Trip suitable for WAGS and newbies. (May include night laning)


To start with, other groups may be added later.

Any questions please be afraid to ask. :)
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Are we talking a weekend for this trip or mid week etc? by november time ill be out of holidays to book from work so would be interested if it was a weekender :)
1. Funkykipper
2. Suew
3. DavidSally
4. Pocketrocket - possibly (depending on dates)
5. minty & pikey :p
bunch o pooftas on here!

hotels :doh:

youll be asking gaylanderers to come along next!!!

Wrong!!! :D
bunch o pooftas on here!

hotels :doh:

youll be asking gaylanderers to come along next!!!

Wrong!!! :D

I don't know about Funkykipper but I got shamed into inviting them on my Dales trip. I put "freelanderers welcome" in HUGE letters.

Guess how many dared to turn up :D:D:D:D
Ah yes i see now. :D

Oi FK..... shall I join you and celebrate by a lanin weekend? ;)

Excellent idea. So 16th/17th November 2013 will coincide nicely with two birthday celebrations.

I'm sure nobody is going to check all the landies in the car park for pikey's :D :D

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