
New Member
Thanks again to HybridGirl & Adz for the impromptu laning after (oh, & before as it goes) the Sodbury Sortout.

Much dust, some painful bracken still stuck in my shoulder (shoulda closed the winda!), some real squeezes thru some bits where Landies barely fitted & one deceptively deeeeeeep muddy trough that we were pretty lucky to all clear (phew, took us by surprise that one!)

A couple of beers & lunch into the bargain, bluddy tops!

C'mon then HG, post the piccies. :D
But it was video I took not piccies..:( :( :( Am compiling a 'film' of our excursion of which I will let you and Adz have a copy. Then Adz can get it on the net cos he's good wiff that sorta stuff!
But it was video I took not piccies..:( :( :( Am compiling a 'film' of our excursion of which I will let you and Adz have a copy. Then Adz can get it on the net cos he's good wiff that sorta stuff!

S'wot I meant. :p

Suuuuurely you can stick 'em in photobucket & link to 'em? Tcha, grrls huh?
Sorry HB, but i can no longer have any;) :D

You might be older'n me Rets, but trust me on this... if she won't let you have any of 'that sort of thing' then she's a 'wrong un'! Doesn't mean you have to flaunt it in front of her like... but all the same.

If it's self imposed... then the quicker you get out of the 'puppys, kittens, flowers and chockies' mode of thinking the better fer both of yers - be a man ffs!
Yeah, puppys, kittens, flowers and chockies are crap fer a ****! Puppies bite, kittens scratch, flowers wilt & chockies melt........eventually. :D