ming said:
Had ta be done. . .:D

Yer not wrong Ming!
Who do you want to be???you can have first pick!
can I be animal???

Plenty of Takers for Statlers and Waldorf on here allready;)
ming said:
Can i be Bungle [little titter] :)

Your thinking of Rainbow, arnt yer???

Who could be the annoying one, wots his name, Erm

Oh! It'll come to me in a mo..........mmmmmmmmm!

Zippy! that was him:eek: :D

the one wiv a zip round his gob to stop him yapping on!:D No sense o humour
i am miss titty..... erm! a mean piggy and i think bob should be animal or maybe hard0898and klumps can be that henson dude seeing as how he gets up everyones back
we've got a zippy on here already and i think its the same one as wot you just described
mondo said:
Your thinking of Rainbow, arnt yer???

Who could be the annoying one, wots his name, Erm

Oh! It'll come to me in a mo..........mmmmmmmmm!

Zippy! that was him:eek: :D

the one wiv a zip round his gob to stop him yapping on!:D No sense o humour
Whoops, gotta go now[titter]
I'm going to be Ernie, the mad scientists side kick :D
He talks rubbish just like me.........and you guys actually!
mondo said:
Your thinking of Rainbow, arnt yer???

Who could be the annoying one, wots his name, Erm

Oh! It'll come to me in a mo..........mmmmmmmmm!

Zippy! that was him:eek: :D

the one wiv a zip round his gob to stop him yapping on!:D No sense o humour

i could think of a few people on here to be zippy, all the continual drivvel coming from them;):D:rolleyes:
tinca said:
i could think of a few people on here to be zippy, all the continual drivvel coming from them;):D:rolleyes:
Uh uh . . . .fight ,i'll get ma coat,gotta go now. . .:D
Now you gaggle of idiots :D, i'm the worst when it comes to winding people up but you have to admit the main culprits who post the continual 1 line of cr#p just chatting to each other is useless and adds no value.

I read most of the threads trying to learn or even offer advice but lately they are full of useless back chat between the forum monkeys :pand i end up not reading anymore of the post because you have filled it with nothing usefull.

If you have the mentioned MUPPET section then you can all type to each other all day long without clogging up threads.

I must say though the ones with over 600 posts must be very active replying to peoples questions in regard to Freelander issues, NOT.

The one and only ZIPPY
Morning zippy!
Point taken mate, But in all honesty if you look back at the threads that people start, most of them have either been resolved before people with over 600 post start messing about and posting "crap" and those with over 600 have given some sort of input with a view to finding a solution,I agree not allways, but like i said earlier,there is no way that replies to any forum are going to come up with definative answers, Especially to queries like "my car makes a humming noise"or "I live on the planet Zog where can i get some cheap wiper blades cos the dealers want £8.00"
Glad you aint taken the huff though
Keep giggling and I'me sure from now on "us idiots" will only post use the muppet section for our innane drivel

Which reminds me! THIS IS THE MUPPET SECTION! So stop postin yer serious boring ****e on here!!! HE He!
Well said Mondo, now lets end the serious stuff and start talking b#llocks, wheres Ming and his mates when you need them :D

Dont take offence Ming you know we all need you.
Further reply to simonG
That is unless some **** took it out before yer bought it,then yes lots a wonga

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