im not aware of any byways in this area and i live just down the road ????confused !!!!
I drove an official byway to the south of Sherborne on Saturday. Gated at both ends with clear signs regarding its usage. Good fun in places, quite rutted and muddy with a ford part way along.
Its at lyons gate and goes to revels hill

We were up there with turbonutter

We all got stuck so i wouldnt attempt it with out a backup vehicle or a winch

Will be good to see the pics dude
If i'm right there are 2 lanes there, which cut across between the A352 and Tiley Knap.

I saw them on the OS map and planned to do a reccee. Dis you do the longer or shorter one, uphill or down??????
I dont no if there is two mate we went up the one from north of lyon's gate to Tiley Knap it dont look that long but just ask the guys that we were with takes a long time and we all had very capable vehicles

But the one which is gated is deffo leigh lane
Well I had a go at the lane D90 Dan is talking about. Fooking hell thats some SERIOUS ****. 2 vehicles, both with winches, mine reasonably well sorted, my mates is top draw.

We ended up winching from tree to tree, using waffle boards, hi lifts, snatch blocks and anything else we had to try to keep moving, took hours. Eventually managed to kill both winches :eek: and were finally recovered with the help of a local guy with proffesional recovery equipment. :eek: :(

If anyone reading this thread fancies the idea of this nice little track, DON'T :eek: at least not without walking it first to realise just how bad it is, and make sure you have plently of recovery equipment and know how to use it.
Oh Yes.

I got stuck, then stuck some more, then had it underwater (sound familiar), then fooked the fookin winch. got more mud on the inside than the outside, and there aint any paint left visible on the outside :eek:

Steve was with me, his 12000lbs winch is fooked too, and with detroit lockers, and everything else on his motor, that was stuck too.

Just got to take it all to bits, wring the carpets out, strip the winch, hose out the insides, and jet wash about 1/2 ton of dorset clay from underneath. Just a shame dint take me camera.

Doris was getting real stressed, can't think why. Maybe cause we left home at 11 in morning, got home 10 at night and did about 3/4 mile of track :eek:
Just got to take it all to bits, wring the carpets out, strip the winch, hose out the insides, and jet wash about 1/2 ton of dorset clay from underneath.

thats how my rebuild started - takin out the carpets to dry em out!!!!

word to the wise - that black ****ty sponge takes at least a week! Not sure its worth putting it back.
im now in two mind weather to go and try it now

Why don't you go and give it a go today since you aint doing anything. If you get stuck, give me a ring and I will come an pull you out. In 6 months when I have gotten a replacement landy.

:D :D :D
6 months!

aint yu got yours fixed yet?


They must've yanked the hanbrake up to stop it when they rolled it down the hill. The rear prop splines and drive flanges were worn anyway. I couldn't work out why it wuz clunking 10 times worse than it was before and crunching into gear after they had nicked it. I put it down to coincidence. Until I bought a new prop and went to fit it. The old one was twisted like a corkscrew. The rear diff had nearly 90 degrees of play, The gearbox and transfer shafts were knackered and there wuz oil leaking from between the two of them.

The salvage company took it away last weds. I am currently on the hunt for a replacement. It's hard to get one when the cnuts haven't even made an offer on how much I am gonna get.
why dont you folow me down with your car
ohhhh and fook off and get to bed

It would be worth following in me car to see you stuck. If it's as bad as DV says you should get stuck in the first couple of yards. I won't even get me tyres on the mud cos you'll be blocking me.


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