
New Member
I've posted a few pics from the L2B in the gallery.

Wicked organisation by the SOUTH LONDON AND SURREY LAND ROVER CLUB. Top job. Everything from the marshalling to the bacon rolls was well executed.

The only thing I could fault was the amount of info in the "jamboree bag" that you got when you registered. So many shiny things that caught my slightly sozzled, Saturday night eye that I omitted to find & read the route (couldn't focus on Sunday, Friendly drinking bunch these Landie lot!) & hence took the scenic route through London! For which read "a bit lost"! :confused:

Yep, ENTIRELY my fault & that really is pathetic if my only criticism is to highlight my own shortcomings! :rolleyes:

Good to meet you Paul. Top bloke.

Sheddy, chap, tried to put a call out for you on the Saturday. Channel 19 was full of rapping & abuse..............London sux with a CB, there's a lot of wannabe DJs & frankly total nut jobs out there! That plus using channel 6 wasn't announced until Sunday PLUS my I've found my CB only works at a standstill when you thump it!..........New one on order. :eek:

Trust you & your wee man had a top time too? Saw several geysers with small chap in tow, but you can't just call out "Oi! 'You Sheddy?" It disturbs people.

All in all, excellent fun.
same as marcus man, nice to bump into you and your lady at the weekend,had a lovely drive back to brighton overtaking quite a few discos(alright i was going downhill)!!!
spent most of the afternoon draped over helens landy bonnet watching people and landys go by in the sunshine, not a bad way to spend a sunday at all!:D
I was parked just opposite the part in the field .... felt right out of it though, my mingling bone is underdeveloped!

Top crack though, the lad loved it. The only criticism I can come think of is .... sorry there isn't one!!

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