
Active Member
Institute of Public Rights of Way and Access Management have a free copy of their magazine available, it's got a really good 6 page article on The Lake District Hierarchy of Trail Routes Initiative, reading between the lines, this is the likely model for green lane management nationally.

The recently adopted Cumbria Countryside Access Strategy 2014-2019 illustrates the
current relevance and importance of the HoTR project county-wide when it states ....
the Hierarchy of Trail Routes approach is now county-wide and provides the basis for a sustainable management regime for mechanically propelled vehicles on legal routes, including unclassified county roads.

here's the link to the pdf, article starts on page 8

Practical Management of Motorised Recreational Vehicle Activity: Geoff Wilson IPROW member, one of the architects of the Hierarchy of Trail Routes in the Lake District initiative, explains the background to the long-running and dynamic project that is still operating in the Lake District and wider Cumbria, and asserts that the principles that underpinned the initiative remain relevant to authorities seeking to fairly manage recreational motor-vehicle use.

The Lake District Hierarchy of Trail Routes Initiative pdf

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