
New Member
Well, as you have probably noticed, I have not been on here for a while and due to other hobbies these days , The mighty fruit salad has been sat around unused, so time has come to make a decision on its future, those of you who know me will have met the said vehicle and for those of you who dont it is basically a 90 with a rover sd1 3.5 V8 fitted , lifted and a few mods, if i was to keep it i would be looking at putting a 200tdi in it , but think the likelihood of me doing that are slim , so thinking of selling and letting someone else carry on with the project, not sure what its worth although i have a figure i would like to get for it , so any interest please contact me or i might put it on fleabay and suffer the fools
ok let the Pee taking begin :eek:

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