
New Member
The Challenge

Simply, it’s driving holiday with difference!
A amazing once in a life time opportunity to really change Peoples lives.
And your own!

The plan is to escape the miserable English weather by going on holiday to South Africa.
By Car.

In a fantastic opportunity to raise money and awareness for victims of AIDS in Africa, you’ll be pounding your stead across some of the most remote, dangerous and amazing landscapes in the world.

Choose your Land Rover then ready it for the drive if Its an your life, that will shake nuts loose, destroy wheels, shred tires, drown it, sun bake it, then fingers crossed see it cross the finish line in Cape town some 21 days later. the question is are YOU up to it?

The route will be tough, covering 15 countries, through Europe, crossing to North Africa by ferry then heading down the south coast. Many perils lay ahead, this route has not been tested and you are in effect pioneers of this kind of event on this route.

You will have to apply for you own visa’s, car passport and Carnet de Passage. ( we will advise on these issues) buy your own ferry tickets, shipping for your vehicle back UK and of course your own flights (unless you wanna drive back again!)

This is not a race and speed will not the winner in this adventure. the challenges you’ll encounter will keep your attention and adrenaline pumping enough. We will travel in caravans of 3 or 4 for both fun and safety and have check points on-route for R&R and a few bottles of ‘African Style” warm Guinness. (7% in Nigeria) and visit the places that are helping so many people.

The Charity part

Unlike other rallies We do not charge an entry fee for this event, all we ask is that for our support, You give us your support.
Your support should include -

A minimum £1000 raised for our chosen charities that we will be visiting on route. (These will form checkpoints.) This will be collected via Virgin London Marathon fundraising and more - JustGiving when we have an account set up.

Load space in your vehicle for red cross supplies and other essential items.

Space for the rally sponsors stickers on your vehicle.

AIDS in Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa is more heavily affected by HIV and AIDS than any other region of the world. An estimated 22.4 million people are living with HIV in the region - around two thirds of the global total. In 2008 around 1.4 million people died from AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa and 1.9 million people became infected with HIV. Since the beginning of the epidemic more than 14 million children have lost one or both parents to AIDS.
In the absence of massively expanded prevention, treatment and care efforts, it is expected that the AIDS death toll in sub-Saharan Africa will continue to rise. This means the impact of the AIDS epidemic on these societies will be felt most strongly in the course of the next ten years and beyond. Its social and economic consequences are already widely felt, not only in the health sector but also in education, industry, agriculture, transport, human resources and the economy in general. The AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa threatens to devastate whole communities, rolling back decades of development progress.
Sub-Saharan Africa faces a triple challenge:
Providing health care, antiretroviral treatment, and support to a growing population of people with HIV-related illnesses.
Reducing the annual toll of new HIV infections by enabling individuals to protect themselves and others.
Coping with the impact of over 20 million AIDS deaths, on orphans and other survivors, communities, and national development.

We will be distributing contraception, sexual health information and medicine where needed.
and be working closely with local charities to reach those most at risk.
The general message of the rally will be promoting safe sex, and all drivers should use maximum protection at all times!

You will need - (the very basic list)

A month off from the 27th Dec 2010
1 4x4 (preferably a Land Rover)
1 Co-driver / Navigator
Common sense
Everything to get you though desert and jungle
A passport.
A Will.

You wont be needing - (The entire list)

Life insurance (it wont cover you.)
AA membership
Oyster cards
Winter blues


if not-
Please forward this to Whom you think most appropriate, able to help


Lloyd Morgan
020 8980 4091
Rally Aid HQ on thesunrun@gmail.com
Hear us twitter @ AfricaRallyAid
Facebook us @ The Free London To Cape Town Land Rover Challenge
rallyaid.com - Domain name holding page - LCN.com - website under construction
21 Days ?

With novice expeditioners in convoys of 4 vehicles ?

Down Africa's "South" coast ?

3 weeks is a trifle ambitious to cover ~10,000 miles.

you dont explain the route either.

I was spending that amount of £££ I would take 12 months to see the countries and its people as it should be.

I'm loving the "its your car give us a grand and we'll give you a map" attitude.

Tell yer what....give me £500 and I'll send you a copy of google map printoffs
OOM! - its bin a long time since I got called tha :D
That reminds me - Bushtoy - where are ya?

Ok - Maybe not Boknes - how about Kwanonqubela? - that int Scottishland ;)
I must admit that I'm rather concerned about lack of detail and preparation for this kind of trip. I realise it's for a good cause and all, but the deadlines and expectations are overly-ambitious.

The organisers need to ensure that all participants have adequate 4x4 experience for starters. Some type of formal training should be mandatory for a few things, such as first-aid, 4x4 driving, recovery work, basic mechanical skills, navigation, etc. Vehicles should be inspected for safety and suitability, as well as equipment to be used. There's also no mention of what minimum equipment the vehicles are expected to have fitted or carry... Not to do any of the above would be irresponsible, dangerous and add many potential problems to the trip.

As for the distance in that time-frame, I highly doubt it's possible even if everything went smoothly. It takes roughly 5 days just to get from south to north of Australia using major sealed roads in ideal conditions, which is approx 3500 klm's. To ask approx 16000klm's over sub-standard roads/tracks in unpredictable weather and environments in 21 days simply isn't possible. It's dangerous to drive at certain times because of wildlife, plus going through some parts of unrest in Africa, it is likely that there may be a delay to organise armed escorts through known trouble-zones, etc

If a trip like this was properly planned, prepared and organised in a year or two's time I'd certainly think of doing it (hey I love a good adventure!), but from what I've seen of this trip so far, there's no way I'd be willing to go on this one. ;)
Sounds jolly exciting! Shall i pack my fly fishing rod and maybe a good pair of shoes?
I am in Denmark so will head north to meet you.

Thanks for your feedback. (Sorry about the south coast error:doh:)

Anyone who enters in to this rally obviously does so entirely at their own risk. As we aren't charging an entrance fee who are we to judge how competent an entrant is, you would think they would do there own research and preparation All we are doing is facilitating the opportunity for like minded people to do something life changing.

I am aware this is very ambitious, but not unrealistic. The world record was set in 1952 in a Humber Super Snipe, it took them 13 days 8 hours. it wasn't beaten till 1963 when they only beat it by one hour in a Ford Cortina and this record is current!

Our route will follow loosely that of the 1952 attempt.
See this amazing video - [nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywJxkKoNRNE"]YouTube- Destination Cape Town[/nomedia]

To the Ambitious out there, why not?

Please, all feedback welcome. This thread was just a feeler while our website is being built, if you have anything to contribute please get in touch


if charity starts at home, why not stay at home? :blabla:
The record is safe I reckon...

Seriously..its a fine idea to organise a trip...but there seems to be a few basic flaws in your plan. The most worrying is the idea that its a 21 day trip...I really can't see your time frame being realistic...its 6000 miles....so you are looking at 300 miles EVERY day...now i'd say thats feasible in europe, although not comfy or giving much time to enjoy the trip...but 300 miles a day in Africa...blimey! I doubt my landy could cope or me! I'd want to enjoy the once in a lifetime experience...not be worried about the vehicle giving up or me being eaten by my co-driver, cos they will you know, just outside Belgium after 4 days together in a metal coffin.

I think you need to be giving better leadership, advising on all visas, planning a route and flexible timeframe. Also how to get back...rather than it all being so 'loose'..there HAS to be some structure or people will get ****ed off and that'll ruin the trip.

Good luck. Oh, i need some lion****...keeps the cats from peeing on my property.
pussies 336miles easy on my bike, but not in some third world **** hole

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