New Member
Hi guys, girls and Ming,
my TD4 53 plate developed low power & would not rev above 3000 rpm, the engine malfunction warning light would flicker on and off, I connected my own OBD2 elm 327 diagnostics to the OBD2 compliant diagnostics socket and checked for any fault codes, no fault codes shown. Is there any software that will work with elm 327 that will show fuel pressure faults?
Anyway after reading a thread by "CLUTCHDUST" that matched my symptoms I purchased a new rear fuel pump and filter that cost me £209 from the main stealer, the guy in the parts department said that it was a common item to fail and the road assistance engineer used seven of these pumps in a week, I fitted the new pump and filter and now I have full power and the engine is running smooth again, Thanks to "Clutchdust".
After removing the old pump from the o/s/r wheel arch I checked to see if it could be overhauled but found it was a sealed unit, does anyone know of a cheaper and more reliable replacement rear fuel pump.

Hi TD4&ABIT, I am just about to change the under wheel fuel pump, any problems getting the job done,any advice would be appreciated, thanks Pezman

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