
New Member

I have just got myself a Series 2A, in utter bits. The Chassis has just been completly restored with a nice galvo dip and red lead to finnish it off.....why he did both i am not too sure but anyhow! I am currently fitting the leaf springs and shocks, and should be bloting on the reconditioned axles soon. HOWEVER!!!! I need help with the wire has had no wiring come with it and i dont know where to start. Can anyone lend me some superior knowledge and point me in the right direction please?

Also...i have been given 3 bulk heads...all in need of repair/rebuild, but would it be cheaper to buy a new one? Just your thoughts on this one and i know that most of you will say "it depends on the state of the bulkheads" but they are rusted to hell, (standard) and they will need new door pillars, corner pieces (that bolt onto the chassis) and footwells, as well as the prep time of shot blasting and priming them. All in all it needs to get sorted...but what is the most cost effective and best way. Also what would be the cheapest bulkhead to purchase i saw one on ebay for £395.

Many Thanks


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