
New Member
Just wondered if anyone could give me some advice on the best way to sell on my Freelander. I live down in deepest darkest Devon and am in the military and about to deploy overseas for the best part of 18 months and have decided to sell on my 2003 light blue TD4 rather than just let it rust away while I'm in the "Land of Sand".

At the moment the vehicle is in pretty good nick although I have had a few problems since buying it in 2005. These problems have all been sorted out (mostly by throwing money at it!) For example, in the last year it has had a new, battery, alternator, clutch and a hole was repaired in the coolant pipe.

At the moment my plan is to just turn up at an auction and throw it in with a small reserve, go on my deployment and then probably buy a defender on my return in late 2009, was just wondering if anyone had any little nuggets of advice?
Proof....Gaylander owners are all hairdressers:D

HA! do you have a girlfriend/wife? Have you any idea what hairdressers charge these days?

And before you say it, they have to up the prices to pay for their gaylander repairs!
i would sellit private, put a ad in the landrover magazines, as this is the target people, unless you realy need the cash then the auction
i saw a 2005 freelander go threw the block a couple of months ago for £1700.
bargain or what,
i looked to trade mine in 99t against another one and was offered £900.00
i told him to cock off.... FSH , all bills , L/R Headgasket done by them..

the choice is yours

You must be so glad you asked, all those 21st century men sending macho answers, I'm sure they are all gay (bet they are) they are so quick to show their manly side every time someone posts
The wife has just been offered £4800 for her 03 5 door Freelander against a new Corsa. I don't think there is an easy way to release UR cash without taking a massive hit - we lost £13000+ in 5 years.
Good luck selling and on your tour.
Just wondered if anyone could give me some advice on the best way to sell on my Freelander. I live down in deepest darkest Devon and am in the military and about to deploy overseas for the best part of 18 months and have decided to sell on my 2003 light blue TD4 rather than just let it rust away while I'm in the "Land of Sand".

At the moment the vehicle is in pretty good nick although I have had a few problems since buying it in 2005. These problems have all been sorted out (mostly by throwing money at it!) For example, in the last year it has had a new, battery, alternator, clutch and a hole was repaired in the coolant pipe.

At the moment my plan is to just turn up at an auction and throw it in with a small reserve, go on my deployment and then probably buy a defender on my return in late 2009, was just wondering if anyone had any little nuggets of advice?
How about fleabay?
Just sold mine on Ebay and got a fair price for it. Put a low reserve on it some thing like you would get at the auction. Stick it on for 7 or 10 days. Don't except a full Paypal payment ( it's costly + you also pay Ebay) but ask for £200 deposit on Paypal to be paid within 3 days of action ending.. Its worth putting it on so the auction ends around Wednesday to give people time to get the money.
Best of luck.
Just sold mine on Ebay and got a fair price for it. Put a low reserve on it some thing like you would get at the auction. Stick it on for 7 or 10 days. Don't except a full Paypal payment ( it's costly + you also pay Ebay) but ask for £200 deposit on Paypal to be paid within 3 days of action ending.. Its worth putting it on so the auction ends around Wednesday to give people time to get the money.
Best of luck.

Yep the guy's right market or E-Bay, you will be surprised at the low life that comes around when you sell private, and all the inconvienience of road test etc etc, and for a woman it's even worse.
Just wondered if anyone could give me some advice on the best way to sell on my Freelander. I live down in deepest darkest Devon and am in the military and about to deploy overseas for the best part of 18 months and have decided to sell on my 2003 light blue TD4 rather than just let it rust away while I'm in the "Land of Sand".

At the moment the vehicle is in pretty good nick although I have had a few problems since buying it in 2005. These problems have all been sorted out (mostly by throwing money at it!) For example, in the last year it has had a new, battery, alternator, clutch and a hole was repaired in the coolant pipe.

At the moment my plan is to just turn up at an auction and throw it in with a small reserve, go on my deployment and then probably buy a defender on my return in late 2009, was just wondering if anyone had any little nuggets of advice?
Good luck in selling the freelander. Good luck & stay safe on tour.

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