
New Member
I must say im shocked how helpful this sites been since i joined!been having problems with air suspension pump,which finally went about a 3mth ago.after battling on with those bypass valves on ebay which i had to pump up every 2weeks or so,someone told me about the forum.had a look,joined up, posted mi problem an "bam".got in contact with "steve's p38rr" who sorted me with a pump!great one would say!but it did'nt work after fitting!!..i went back on the site got talking with "wammer",who after a few massages told me it was a "hard fault".?which to me sounded like a porn site!!!!he told to put mi post code a problem up and some might be in mi area a willing to help!!!!!ok ok,so i did an "bam" i got a message offering help,he was at mi house in 30mins,we didnt get the suspension ecu unlocked due to light failer but i tell you wot,,he was back at mine at 9.30am the next day still trying to help me out!!!!i would just like to say,"thanks you guys your in put was well appreciated....and thanks again duggy let me know how you get on!!!!!thanks ladyzone......:d

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