
Just wanted to say a quick thank you, as a long time member and very very infrequent poster I’ve become very accustomed to using the search button, problem with that though is once you’ve found the answer your looking for you tend not to post a thank you so here you go! The vast range and depth of knowledge shared on here over the years is an amazing resource.

So anyhow, having searched through loads and loads of threads recently I’ve plumped on an 03 plate 110. It was very much a case of 3rd time lucky having almost bought twice in the past only for other things in life to get in the way. I’m sure despite taking aload of advice from here to the viewings I went on I’ve no doubt made more than a few mistakes not being the most mechanically minded.

We looked at a few recently, but when we saw the one we bought it was a bit like when the wife and I went to “just look” at the puppies before buying our current dog!

Seen a few cosmetic things but nothing major yet that made me wonder how I missed them first time around, but so far the only heart stopping moment was Monday when it didn’t start, turns out (I hope) the battery in the fob for the immobiliser must be on the way out as when I switched to the spare set its started first time every time since!

Kids love it, dog loves it, its growing on the wife, although its not really rained yet so I don’t know where the leaks are!

So anyway, thanks again, really not sure what I’d have ended up with if it hadn’t been for the masses of advice readily available on here!

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