
New Member
Phew, she's gone.

Lovely woman - she wasn't supposed to undo my sleeve-buckles but now that my hands are free I can tell my tale. Welcome to Ward 7 of St. Differential's Care Home for Lost Causes by the way, the name's banzai.

It all began a couple of months before I checked into St. Differential's for some urgent LandyZone Rehab here, when I started having irrational thoughts about owning a Landie. Thoughts quickly turned to obsessive behaviour, and I found myself lurking around the dark and shady areas of the internet where dealers of said filth can sometimes be found.
Fuelled by mucky thoughts and drink I searched through the nights and found no end of Landie porn. Dirty little minxes everywhere - eager to show off their nipples, flanges and fancy bushes! How can a guy choose what to chase with so much variety of shapes and colours?
Then I found her.
Halfway down the page of some filth-laden website on a list, (the like of which has not been seen outside of a Madam's house of ill repute wherein the special talents of each girl and promises of wonderful extras might be written to tempt the weak or indeed tittilate the most deviant pervert), in a group of keen young fillies in their late teens and early twenties trying to appear all coy and Emo by looking to one side a bit, there she was.
A topless pic too! (phwoar!)
I quickly saw through the thin veil of innocence, her standing brazenly out in the yard like that with it all uncovered for anyone to see and the rest of her outfit hinting she was no stranger to a bit of action.
After checking her out from a distance and while trying to decide if she was indeed the one, I learnt that one way or another this girl was leaving town in just a few days. As she was clear across the country and with such a short time in which to act I completely lost the plot and started making vague promises to people I had never met about her coming to live with me. After that my recollection is rather fuzzy.

She's been living at home with me since mid-September now and keeps making me do things to her outside on the driveway - dirty things, things I've not done before. I wonder what the neighbours must think when they see me out there on my knees or lying on the ground with her dangling her parts teasingly above me. Struggling to keep up with her demands I came here for some respite and to let the wounds heal a bit.

Friction is a terrible thing when things go wrong.

Must leave it here for now, I think I hear Nurse Ratio coming back.
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Must have took a while to write that first post, she won't like the fact you have ignored her for so long !
Phew, she's gone.

Lovely woman - she wasn't supposed to undo my sleeve-buckles but now that my hands are free I can tell my tale. Welcome to Ward 7 of St. Differential's Care Home for Lost Causes by the way, the name's banzai.

It all began a couple of months before I checked into St. Differential's for some urgent LandyZone Rehab here, when I started having irrational thoughts about owning a Landie. Thoughts quickly turned to obsessive behaviour, and I found myself lurking around the dark and shady areas of the internet where dealers of said filth can sometimes be found.
Fuelled by mucky thoughts and drink I searched through the nights and found no end of Landie porn. Dirty little minxes everywhere - eager to show off their nipples, flanges and fancy bushes! How can a guy choose what to chase with so much variety of shapes and colours?
Then I found her.
Halfway down the page of some filth-laden website on a list, (the like of which has not been seen outside of a Madam's house of ill repute wherein the special talents of each girl and promises of wonderful extras might be written to tempt the weak or indeed tittilate the most deviant pervert), in a group of keen young fillies in their late teens and early twenties trying to appear all coy and Emo by looking to one side a bit, there she was.
A topless pic too! (phwoar!)
I quickly saw through the thin veil of innocence, her standing brazenly out in the yard like that with it all uncovered for anyone to see and the rest of her outfit hinting she was no stranger to a bit of action.
After checking her out from a distance and while trying to decide if she was indeed the one, I learnt that one way or another this girl was leaving town in just a few days. As she was clear across the country and with such a short time in which to act I completely lost the plot and started making vague promises to people I had never met about her coming to live with me. After that my recollection is rather fuzzy.

Shes has been living at home with me since mid-September now and keeps making me do things to her outside on the driveway - dirty things, things I've not done before. I wonder what the neighbours must think when they see me out there on my knees or lying on the ground with her dangling her parts teasingly above me. Struggling to keep up with her demands I came here for some respite and to let the wounds heal a bit.

Friction is a terrible thing when things go wrong.

Must leave it here for now, I think I hear Nurse Ratio coming back.
Welcome to the loonyzone! :)
You will feel completely at home here, I should think! :)
See you when your meds have worn off! :D
Hello again and thank you all for your kind messages!
I really should have posted up a picture by now so here goes:

NSFW topless photo:


*edited to add: Phwoar! :p
With a first post like that you are wasted, you could make big money writing Haynes manuals. :D:D:D
Thanks much! You are far too kind. *takes humble bow* :)

Oh look - you be a local 'n' aaall!

Howdy neighbuuur :D

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