
New Member

As this is my first post I should probably introduce myself - my name is Phil and I've had my RR since October last year (that sounds like an AA meeting announcement....). My car is a late 2006 Vogue SE TDV8, which is completely standard.

Everything was ok with the car until very recently, and around the time I started mucking about with it :) Apologies in advance for the length of what's below but I wanted to make it detailed!

I'm experiencing a lot of issues with the infotainment systems on the car. Usually, but not always, I see a 'Terrain Response System Not Available' error on the screen and shortly afterwards the screen will lock, all music/DVDs will stop playing and then it reboots. Sometimes it will do this once but on other occasions it will do this multiple times and never recover. There are times when the Terrain warning doesn't come up and the computer locks and reboots anyway. The car drives fine though.

This can manifest itself at any time and in many ways:

- On starting from cold - If the car is opened and left then usually this means that the computer will not start when you put the key in and turn the ignition. It will usually fire up after 20 mins or so of driving, for no apparent reason.
- After starting from warm after a short trip - If the car is driven a short way, stopped and then started again this is likely to happen. The computer will start fine but then you'll get a 'Terrain Response System Not Available' warning on the Sat Nav screen and then the computer will lock and then restart. There is no indication as to when it will recover. This can be accompanied by a TPMS error, but not always. I assume the TPMS system gets booted first because that warning happens and then the Terrain warning.
- After driving for a while. Randomly the same thing as above will happen and then you're in reboot hell. After a while it seems to give up and turns the screen off completely.

In all cases it eventually sorts itself out and everything starts up but this can be, as it was yesterday, after an hour on the motorway. Although twice now something bad has happened with the ignition switch because it doesn't recognise that the key has been removed at all and I have to lock the car using the driver's door lock. The remote locking always starts working again some time later. I think the ignition switch thing is a symptom rather than the cause (but I could easily be wrong!).

This morning the screen didn't come on when I unlocked the car. I locked it and opened it again (using the key) and after a few seconds the screen booted up. I then got a TPMS warning and it started the dance of the reboots, with the accompanying Terrain warning.

The car has recently had a new battery (which went flat when having some work done...), I've had new brakes and tyres fitted, I've had some suspension components replaced at the front and back and I've had the Land Rover ACM iPod kit fitted. During the last job I had some electrical problems with the glovebox - a damaged wire was discovered behind the dash (the power cable to the glovebox) and the fuse to this area was too big for the job, which killed the replacement glovebox switch. This was all done by a well-known and highly respected specialist and I have no reason to doubt his work at all.

Oh and I have an IIDTool and see the following faults:

U0073 – Control module communication bus off
U0155 – Lost communication with instrument cluster control module
40-K-Bus receive error
U0300 – Internal control module software incompatibility
U0416 – Invalid data received from vehicle dynamics control module
U0168 – Lost communication with vehicle security control module
U0248 – Lost communication with remote driver utility module
U0184 – Lost communication with audio unit
U0127 – Lost communication with tire pressure monitor module
U0155 – Lost communication with instrument cluster control module
U0300 – Internal control module software incompatibility
B1A02 – Speaker 2 circuit
B1A01 – Speaker 1 circuit
B1B01 - Key Transponder

Apologies, I neglected to make a note of which ECUs these come from. Clearing these faults doesn't help at all, they all come back pretty quickly.

So, any ideas? :) My candidates are:

- Ignition Switch
- Instrument Pack
- Possibly even the new battery, although the IIDTool indicates a good voltage from the battery with the engine on and off (I appreciate that I need to test this properly though....)

Thanks in advance and apologies again for writing War and Peace...

Sounds like you have a K Bus fault....

Take a look at my post about a similar issue I am having as this gives information on the various data buses in the L322...

Your will also have the MOST fibre optic based databus that pretty much replaces the CANbus....and the MOST is what runs the majority of the Infotainment/Sat Nav systems...

All the various databuses use the Instrument Pack as a gateway to talk to each other...i.e. the SatNav system uses speed information from the ABS ECU, the SatNav is on the MOST bus, and the ABS is most likely on the K or CAN bus...the speed information is passed through the IP and the MOST picks up the information and transfer this to the SatNav computer....

Failure of one of the buses can bring about failures in other systems, for example in the pre 2005 models, a CANbus error in the ABS ECU will also bring down the Air Suspension as they both rely on eachother!

My best guess for yours is you have either a K bus fault or a MOST fault...the MOST is fairly robust....

Check the rear N/S quarter of the boot space where all the electrickery is for signs of moisture as this is a common thing on the L322 and check all the connections in there for corrosion!
Would still also consider the battery ,is the new one big enough amp hours and cold cranking , aswell as flattening it may have done something , as above water in rear quarter is a real possibility.
Would still also consider the battery ,is the new one big enough amp hours and cold cranking , aswell as flattening it may have done something , as above water in rear quarter is a real possibility.
Good call on the battery....L322's hate anything but top notch voltages!
Thanks for the replies.

As far as I know, and I've had a good look, there's no water getting in around the Satnav computer etc. in the boot on the left-hand side. There's a water shedder fitted already and it was fine during the torrential rain over the winter. I'll double-check though just to make sure. The only thing I did in there recently (and it was something I actually forgot in my essay) is that I replaced the Bluetooth module for an upgraded one. There was no sign of corrosion on the plugs of that.

The battery is a Land Rover one so it's a lower capacity than what was fitted when I got it (a Varta that died). It was with Land Rover for investigation into a power drain when they insisted on fitting a new battery before carrying on, hence the LR battery. I'll call them and talk to them about it because this has all definitely started after the battery replaced....but then so much else has happened that it's hard to pin down one thing!
Although there is the Water Shedder....condensation can still occur under it!!

It definatly seems low voltage related...

The pre 2005 models did suffer from ignition switch issues not allowing full voltage through...not sure if the 2006+ models suffered similarly as the ignition switch is different and has been repositioned onto the dash! Worth checking though!
I shall have a good poke around my shedder later :)
You need to part all the connectors and look for traces of green corrosion between the pins and corroded off pins. Battery off first and let the sat nav go to sleep before disconnecting the battery assuming it's the same as the earlier ones.
you need to part all the connectors and look for traces of green corrosion between the pins and corroded off pins. Battery off first and let the sat nav go to sleep before disconnecting the battery assuming it's the same as the earlier ones.

I thought I'd post a quick reply.

My problems appear to be being caused by the ACM kit. When I turn it off (by flicking the switch in the glovebox) the problems all stop and the car is back to the way it was before. Pressing the reset switch appears to make no improvement so I'm leaving it off for now to see if any of these symptoms reappear. Before I turned it off I was getting at least one a Terrain warning a day and a couple of reboots.

Has anyone heard of similar problems with the ACM kit?

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