
Many people fitted these and had problems with the hooks rubbing/squeaking on inside of spring during normal driving??

I might be very wrong, but, I have just fitted a set of Gwyn Lewis dislocation cones and in the instructions it tells you to refit the springs so the hook catches on the very last coil when dislocated axle and that the end of the spring points towards the front of the vehicle if on the O/S and towards the rear on the N/S, also by looking at your picture the spring looks upside down I.e. The thicker part to the bottom (coils closer together at the bottom)

Like I said I might be wrong but that's what the instructions said on the kit I bought.

Hope this helps.
That sides jacked up in the pic so probably why spring looks upside down but will check as they where already fitted when I bought motor
Think have to drop shocks take springs out have a look just wondered if it matters what springs are fitted with the cones poss some are thicker :confused:
Cheers for reply
I'm quite interested in this type of cone as i am looking at buying a pair of these for my 90 in either Terrafirma or Glyn Lewis not mythered which :)

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