
New Member
Hi all, had the Freelander for just over 3 weeks now and everything has been fine.
Yesterday on my way home I got caught in a traffic jam, not a big one mind, never the less it was around 10 minutes. During this time the temprature gauge suddenly started rising and I mean suddenly. The temprature outside was around 32 degrees. Now I know this is hot but last week we had a heat wave and I was in the same situation but the temprature was in the 39/40's and the gauge never moved. I pulled over as soon as it was safe and checked under the bonnet, nothing!!!!! there was no steam, no bubbling from the expansion bottle, no strange noises nothing, everything seemed normal. Any help would be appriciated.
Can I put in a switch to turn on the viscous fan manually while I am in heavy traffic, but still have it to come on with the temprature sensor? If any one can tell me how to wirw it up it would be much appriciated.
I dont want it on permanently coz it will just burn out the fan, by the way, it has had the thermo mod done already.
should be a simple case of cutting fan control power wire to fan. Extending both cut ends back to a switch on the dash. Get an ignition feed also to the switch. Switch needs to be a 3 contact, centre common type. Wire fan side of cut wire to common contact on switch. wire ignition feed to one other contact and fan power wire to other contact. With switch in one position, switch shorts out break in fan control wire - in other position, ignition power is fed directly to fan.

MHM design group excepts no responsibility fur any damage caused in the carrying oot of this mod:eek:.
Cheers MHM, I would have thought that the fan should have switched on itself to cool things down a bit though???? I will have to get the sensor checked as well. Will leave it ticking over to see if fan kicks in first, then if not to local Landie garage for proper testing.
Can I put in a switch to turn on the viscous fan manually while I am in heavy traffic, but still have it to come on with the temprature sensor? If any one can tell me how to wirw it up it would be much appriciated.

Yup - it should - but if yu want a switched system too - that is a way of doing it:D
If you have a viscous coupling fan there is nothing you can do to make it run on demand.

It is NOT electrically powered. It is driven by the fan belt, through a SLIPPING CLUTCH, which slips when it is COLD, but when it warms up due to hot air coming at it from the radiator the silicone goo in the thing flows in between the slipping plates and causes the fan to be driven harder.

They CAN go wrong, but it isn't not likely.

Dump it in favour of a decent electric fan and fit a switch on the dash to run it when YOU want.
Checked the fan last night, it is an electrical fan. Got the switch wire and conectors. Sorted. Cheers all.
It was a viscous fan when this thread started!

Quote ....

"Can I put in a switch to turn on the viscous fan manually?"


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