
New Member
Hi can anyone tell me how long is it before the temp gauge goes up sat in stand still traffic, but when i start moving two mins later its bak to normal which is the halfway postion but stand still after 5 or 10 goes up two 3/4 is this ok:)
mine will sit in traffic all day just hoovering around the halfway mark if yours doesnt go over 3/4 i wouldnt worry to much if it leaves the white section and about to enter red section poss you might want a cooler running thermostat
theres a problem, don't leave it alone!!!

could be a lazy/broken water pump, clogged rad or air in the system.

also have a fiddle with the earths, mine used to go to red on occaison, till i nudged a wire while looking at it and the wife spotted it go into the red. i attached a few more earths and it sorted it.

i suspect yer pumps ferked myself tho!!!

have you got the correct 50/50 mix in there?

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