
New Member
Hi all,

I have a td5 110 (my second landy). I know it wont like SVO but can I run it on a mix of SVO + Derv?

Does anyone have a TD5 running like this?


hi cougard

iv run a lot of my diesels on veg oil with no probs and yes you can mix it
i use new/fresh veg.oil 20l vo -5l dies is a good mix
if you can fit a pr heater to it .it can run on just veg oil

hope this helps
Ibby, have you actually tried a TD5 on veg oil? 300s and 200s and tds and nas are fine, the TD5 is a different beast altogether and may well not be as appreciative of SVO doe to the thickness and the injectors etc. Unless you have personally tried it (or anyone else can vouch for it) in a TD5, i would proceed cautiously, you may well be in unchartered territory!
I occasionall mix it 50/50 (max) wi doosul an dunt av a bother ! It took slightly longer t catch durin winter but still fired up ok!
Oh **** !!!:eek:

FFS ratty ! Im tellein ye ME TD5 RUNS FINE ON 50 CHIP FAT 50 DOOZUL!:rolleyes:

I aint querying that. I am saying that according to the evidence Ibby hinself provided to back up his claim It NEEDS the conversion to run on it. If you put the wrong oil in an engine or gearbox it doesn't stop working straight away. It's over a period of time that it shows up.

If you try drinking a litre of mac donalds thick shake non stop you are out of breath at the end of yer sucking. If yer has coke instead it's much easier. It's the same principle with yer fuel pump. It WILL work but for how long????:confused: Even Landrover themselves refuse to answer the question of will it or wont it.

Hows this for a compromise mondo?.....

It will run on vege oil but no guarantees as to for how long.;)

:D :D :D
Yarbut, with oil it's coz of wear which takes time, with veg oil it's coz of viscosity so pretty much straight away it'll be obvious as to whether it'll work or not! Engines don't have a memory and bear a grudge!
Yarbut, with oil it's coz of wear which takes time, with veg oil it's coz of viscosity so pretty much straight away it'll be obvious as to whether it'll work or not! Engines don't have a memory and bear a grudge!

If your fuel pump is sucking too hard to get the fuel it will cause it to pack in prematurely.
I know but with a TD5 the viscosity will cause a problem with trying to force through the injectors before it knackers the pump.


what the fook am i on about, i ont got the fookin foggiest about td5's!!! Just playin devils avocado raeally!
I know but with a TD5 the viscosity will cause a problem with trying to force through the injectors before it knackers the pump.


what the fook am i on about, i ont got the fookin foggiest about td5's!!! Just playin devils avocado raeally!

example 1) We run a fleet of ivecos at work which have a non cleanable pre filter in the fuel pump. They block up with swarf and cause premature failure. (Normally one a year per vehicle). Now we know what is causing it we take the prefilter off. We have never had one burn out once this has been done.

example 2) I had a pre filter on a couple of my pond pumps. Cos I am often late home from work they would burn the pump out. Since I have removed them I have not had a problem

If the pump is having to work harder to pull fuel through it WILL cause it to fail earlier. That is why bosch pumps can handle svo better than lucas. They are designed to handle it better.
So I guess the answer is No - do not run a TD5 on SVO without any mods and Yes - Its fine to run it on a 50/50 mix but keep an eye (and ear) on it.

Thanks all.
I have looked at your link and what is says is........Yes it will run on a vehicle that has been CONVERTED to have a seperate vegetable oil tank and heat exchanger. Not a straight 50/50 unheated mix like was being asked. When you heat the oil it thins it.

info ment to help in link ? Y woud you do 50/50 mix for the smell
its simple 20l vo and 5l dies in one 'tank' thats it no convert no pre'h
no probs. so get over it

info ment to help in link ? Y woud you do 50/50 mix for the smell
its simple 20l vo and 5l dies in one 'tank' thats it no convert no pre'h
no probs. so get over it

YES but not so for TD5's

It will work for td's, 200tdi's and 300tdi's but TD5's are dodgy territory.

A quote from YOUR evidence.....

'We are proud to announce our new controller. From now on it will be included in each and every kit we supply and fit, see the range of kits HERE. This builds on the extremely well proven two tank system with over 7000 vehicles already converted (yes that's correct, OVER SEVEN THOUSAND), to make it truly a formidable world beating system'

Which part of two did you find it hard to understand?????

Mondo I know what you said. I said you are right it WILL run on it but you stand a good chance of causing premature failure by doing so.


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