boy ho

New Member
I have a 2001 td5 gs auto with only 38,000 miles on the clock. Sometimes (not all the time) when I start the disco up we get a strange sort of metallic screech/ grind that only lasts for about a second. It seems to come from up front somewhere and is quite loud. As I mentioned it is intermittent. Before I take it up to the dealer (under warranty) I wondered if anyone has any ideas? Before I bought this disco, I did actually go and view another td5 and that had the same noise when it was started. Any help/ ideas greatly received

More likely it's the starter motor cog not returning to it's dormant position quickly enough when the engine starts which is effectively causing the engine to momentarily drive the starter motor (which ain't too good for it!)
My wife tells me that she thinks the brake pedal "loosens" when it happens and she can almost feel a grinding through it. The car is stationary at this point and it's an auto
Why does she start the car with her foot on the brakepedal? It would loosen as the brakes are only power assisted when the engine is running so may be unconnected.
the TD5 goes through a series of electrical checks when it start up.

One such check is the ABS and Traction control. This is controlled by a computer known as the SLABS ecu.

if this mechanical noise coresponds with the vibration in the brake pedal then it is totally normal and nothing to worry about..! it's the slabs ecu going through it's self test process.

Try startin the car with your foot on the brake and you will see. you could also drive the car over a muddy field, when the traction control kicks in you will hear and feel the same noise, and an orange light will pop up on the dash.. Traction Control is superb!
Thanks Battenburg,

it does exactly what you said. I can oly assume then this is what it is. Like I said, one that I test drove prior to buying this one did exactly the same. I'm used to a 1996 V8 and all it's querkiness and now that's gone, just trying to get used to the td5
nothing to worry about fella!

just extra enjoyment given by traction control in muddy situations... you may also find it kicks in the same if you pull away guns blazing off a full lock on a wet road...!!! the dash light will kick in a second or so after you feel the TC kick in
thanks very much you have also put my mind at rest. I am still getting to know my my01 td5 (only 34k miles) and I thought that it was a bit rough when the traction control kicked in and when the abs self tested at the start. I was also coming from Disco 1.

Now the only thing to get checked is the auto is a little rough feeling (just a little roughness at low revs). Do ye reckon a good change of ATF will smooth it out?
Blanking off your EGR might be an idea to improve running at low revs. I did mine (about 6 quid off ebay) and the car has much improved pick up. Really pleased with the result. Do a search for EGR for more info.



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