
We have a 2003 td5 manual. If I leave it for a few days I return to it and the battery is flat. It’s fine all through the summer months but as soon as the temperature drops I get this problem every year so have just alternated with a spare recharged battery every other day. Time to sort so am turning for any ideas on the problem to try and sort before the old weather strikes further.
Thankyou, we replaced the battery last year so are happy with that and have run our old series on it with no problem so are happy the battery’s ok.
If you remove the connections to the battery overnight, does the battery still go flat ? If not, its something on the vehicle thats drawing current whilst its switched off... In that case, you will need a meter that can measure DC current. With the ignition off, put the meter in series with the positive battery connector, and measure the current draw.
As a temp fix, you can also connect a trickle charger to the vehicle overnight, if you have a nearby electrical socket...
When the battery is disconnected there’s no problem so it sounds like that’s going g to be the answer. Will await the rain to stop then head out to tinker
Look at the current draw, then you will have to isolate each circuit, by pulling the fuses, so you can see the rogue circuit. Its a process of elimination...

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