
New Member
hi- I've had a real expensive time with my Landy... please, I need good news...

when I turn the engine over from cold, the clutch pedal vibrates. its okay when I press it down, but judders on release - sometimes.
problem only seems to be in second gear.
it has done this twice that were noticeable. most of the time it seems fine.
the exclamation point warning light also came on, and has stayed on.
i have to replace the turbo - which is squealing but working - could this be somehow related? (too low revs in low gears?)

could the judder be something minor i can check first - or is it straight to the big jobs of new clutch/ flywheel.
and, is this a slow deteriorating problem, that i can hobble along with until i win the lottery, or, is it a case of the longer i wait the more costly it becomes?
cheers everyone.

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