
Hi, alarm went off and now the car won’t start, Tried a new key fob battery, pressing the lock buttons etc
LR Dealer says up to 5 days to get the EKA code
could do with someone with a nannocom to bypass the immobiliser

  • Who are You-Owen
  • What vehicle do you have? (as much details as possible) 110 TD5 CSW
  • Where are you? (as much details as possible) Outside mot garage, they don’t have correct tools
  • Can we check the location on Google earth, streetmap, OS maps etc? What3Words
  • What help is required? (as much details as possible –I’m stuck/broken down not really enough) A nannocom for a TD5 2002 to bypass the immobiliser
  • What do you think will be needed help wise? (as much details as possible) Someone with an OBD program
  • Local conditions? (as much details as possible-on a lane/in ditch/puddle/river could mean anything) Hard standing concrete
  • Is legal access permitted? Yes
  • Weather conditions? Good
  • Any access issues? ( For example: im Stuck in a simple lane but the gates won't fit anything bigger than a Freelander) No
  • Are recovery points and equipment available on site (unless it's a request from someone at home that won't need recovering anywhere) No
  • Anything else of note? (there's a big FO bull/ the farmer takes pot shots/ there’s loads of hazards on route) No
  • We will assess each request on a case by case basis.
  • Simple things like “I need a nanocom/13mm socket/hand changing a wheel” etc will sort them selves.
  • Anything more complex we will tick off against the list before sending anyone.
  • Anyone we do send will have the info, be more prepared in terms of attire worn and supplies/equipment taken.

That's Dewsbury - Wakefield if what3words isn't familiar.

Sorry not to be more help...

From our FB group
Grief, I'm really sorry - I've had a dig and don't know how it happened but care got substituted for cars. Maybe autocorrect? I'm a big fan, use what3words quite a lot, and this is the first time I've heard of a cock up like this. I'll be a lot more careful in future.
5 days to get EKA? When I needed mine I phoned dealer, emailed proof of ownership (V5) and got code within the hour.
As Daft said.
We have R.K Automotive up on Mariners. Never used them myself but hear no bad things.
Or get in touch with Ian at IRB. He's probably one of if not the best TD5 ECU expert in the country having a hand in Design and development for LR for years. He's based by the belfry I believe. Somewhere.
I got mine from directly from customer services at Land Rover a few minutes after emailing them a photo of the V5. Very helpful. Stafford Land Rover were also helpful with the radio code - within the hour.

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