Hi everyone, got a lovely td5 disco 2. If I leave her to stand for over 48 hours she takes a bit of turning over almost like there’s air in the system, then she injectors will kick in one by one, little bit of white smoke and she fires up, runs fine now she be cleaned the Map sensor. If I turn her off she starts first flick of the key, leave her 24 hours and she’ll start pretty much straight away. Any ideas folks?? My head is saying air in the system I.e it’s leaking back. Fuel filter looked pretty much brand new when I bought it as did the oil. I’ve done about 200 miles or so. Cheers
Fink thers a bleed thing you can do, but it may be an air leak into the fuel thingy somewhere stopping the fuel from staying where it should. You could try a search on here or Google to find it.
Sure the battery is up to snuff and both connectionson good and tight?
They is the devils spawn and I smakc em on hard with a hammer and socket before doing up the mickey mouse bolt on top.

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