
Hi all,
Just finishing up the utter hellscape job that is the clutch/flywheel.

In my diminished mental state, I gorilla'd the small clip that retains the handbrake cable in the drum, and it looks like it's a new cable needed.

Paddocks have two that look like candidates, but they're noted as being from XA224664 or up to XA224663 - how do I establish which is the correct fitment?

If it helps, one of the two options has foil insulation on it which matches mine, though I'm not sure if that is the only difference!

Thanks in advance!
Those numbers refer to the chassi number/year of your truck. Look on the log book and you'll see it.
Check your VIN's last 8 characters, if it doesnt start with X but with Y or a number means it's the one "from XA.... cos X are the first modells, if it starts with X you must figure out if the number is up to 224664 or bigger then choose
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Thanks guys.

My VIN starts with SALLTGM and ends with 2267, no reference to the XA or 2246 - or am I looking in the wrong place?!
You have to concentrate on the character with red and next 7.... for example in this VIN: SALLTGM98XA211945... in can be only X, Y, 1, 2, 3, or 4 and it's about the model year... that VIN is included in the "up to XA224... as its XA211.... if it was XA23 or XA3....., or YA, 1A... etc it's included in the "from XA224... as it was built later.... got it ?

eventually read my post again and this to know what's about

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