
New Member
Hi all
My TD5 is a 99,with 93000 miles,always been a bit notchy between 1st and 2nd,but on starting it this morning I had trouble finding 1st or 2nd,then noticed a lot of sideways lever travel - almost touches handbrake in 5th or reverse. Easier to find gears on the move, 1st and 2nd still most difficult, then when in 5th it's a hell of a job to come out, almost as if it's "locked" in 5th.What should I look for before resigning myself to gearbox exchange??

ps - If I have to go down that route, is it sensible to get a clutch at the same time ? (I've had it since new and envisage keeping it to deal with annual snowy scottish weather)
First thing to check is that the selector top plate spring return mechanism isnt borked, accessed from above, below centre console it's a riveted metal plate with a spring either side that should return lever to 3-4 in gearbox, just possible its fooked, sounds more major......but good luck!
image for you;

Image of Gear Selector.jpg

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