
New Member
Am I right in thinking TD5's have 95 L tank capacity ?

Gonna have a go at calculating MPG on my new Disco..

Picked up my new ride today from way down south and drove over 400 miles back up the road.
First I filled her up to brim (85L worth), reset trip calculator and set off back to Gods country, averaging about 65/70 most of the way (bar stand still traffic from Lorry meets car incident)
I took a note of mileage at 'as bang on half full as poss' as wasnt looking much like using a whole tank.. not that I'm complaining..
Was quite surprised.. 370 miles on half tank.

I know this is not gonna be the most accurate way of doing this but am I likely to get a reasonable indicator of MPG from this ??

Was pretty pleased as arrived home after 416 miles with just under half a tank left.. (according to gauge..)

Any better ways of working this out ???

My new ride.. '99/T Plate TD5 Auto ES
Am I right in thinking TD5's have 95 L tank capacity ?

Gonna have a go at calculating MPG on my new Disco..

Picked up my new ride today from way down south and drove over 400 miles back up the road.
First I filled her up to brim (85L worth), reset trip calculator and set off back to Gods country, averaging about 65/70 most of the way (bar stand still traffic from Lorry meets car incident)
I took a note of mileage at 'as bang on half full as poss' as wasnt looking much like using a whole tank.. not that I'm complaining..
Was quite surprised.. 370 miles on half tank.

I know this is not gonna be the most accurate way of doing this but am I likely to get a reasonable indicator of MPG from this ??

Was pretty pleased as arrived home after 416 miles with just under half a tank left.. (according to gauge..)

Any better ways of working this out ???

My new ride.. '99/T Plate TD5 Auto ES

fill it up , drive it around till near empty then refill and note trip milage, devide miles by litres or gallons simples !!
cool, will do...
Just being impatient trying to calc on 1/2 tank reading...

370 miles - 10.5 Gallons or 1/2 tank -35 mpg - sounds to good to be accurate...
Will go for empty tank method I think..
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cool, will do...
Just being impatient trying to calc on 1/2 tank reading...

dont hurt to calculate the half tank as well give you a idea if it runs better on a top half tank or 1/2 to empty , aint no differance if you top it back up then try a tank full next time though
If its anything like my gauge... it seems to last great upto half a tank left, then seems to disappear a lot quicker .... doh! :rolleyes:

SP ;)
If you drive steady you should return about 29 MPG,
If you think youre geting much moore take a good look at youre calculations.
I did mine over 6 MTHS sad but true.
I always get abot 320 to the half full/empty mark, and the light comes on about 500.

As rough guide, 500 miles is about 27/28 mpg, 520 is about 28/29 mpg, 540 is about 29/30 mpg, 560 is about 30/31 mpg.

This is based on about 18.5 to 19 gallons from full to light on.

Nice one, cheers for that guys... bottom half as expected dropping off a bit quicker but still looking not bad..
Not looking forward to seeing what MPG she'll do when I hook Up my Mobile Climbing wall.. could get pricey...
I go along with what others are saying. Taking 80 litres to fill up when light comes on. Driving carefully, getting 600 miles, pretty much 35mpg, happy enough with that. Mine a Y plate....
I go along with what others are saying. Taking 80 litres to fill up when light comes on. Driving carefully, getting 600 miles, pretty much 35mpg, happy enough with that. Mine a Y plate....

I'm about the same, but onluy if I drive really carefully. Normally just over 550 miles till the light comes on, about 34 to gallon. Best in summer - drops in winter, and also when towing.
Blimey, I wish I could get your kind of MPG.

My daily commute is 10 miles each way on A roads with a weekly 40 mile round trip on the m/way... I average 24mpg.

Had a full service (all fluids) 3000 miles ago and it appears to be running well.

To be honest it's what I expected when I bought it but seeing all your MPG figures, I'm beginning to wonder if something's amiss.
mikey just got back from tendy 200 mile round trip plus about 60 mile of short dap trips.was towing a 18 foot 5 berth van and 90% of my house hold possessions(stopped wife taking ironing board caught her carrying it downstairs) averaged 20 mpg not happy.
Hi Mikey
Did a trip last Sunday, Cheltenham to Inverness - 500mls in 7.5 hrs.
I wasn’t hanging about.
Started off by brimming the tank to the neck.
When I got home I’d still got a 1/4 tank.
Bear in mind I’ve modded it for economy.
Air-con - Off
Kenlowed, De-egr’d , De-Catted & Re-mapped, & it is a manual.
We can still drive manuals up here, cos we don’t have your traffic density.


I think i'm getting similar. Auto, J Fearn special tune, and lots of B and C roads in my commute.

Always does much better on a run. Sometimes does better with the caravan on the back, but cruising, than I get solo on my commute!

I use this website...
Fuelly | Share and Compare Your MPG

Its quite good as it gives lots of info based on usage over time etc. Use the ODO not the trip counter and always fill to the same amount - 1 click etc on the pump and shove the spout in the filler by the same amount each time.

I have got 35mpg from my '94 300tdi and was very pleased to get over 34mpg when pulling a two-ton trailer for 3/4 of the mileage travelled :)
Nice one will have a look at those sites,, got Mike from dynachip doing a remap in a week when I get back from states, will see what effect that has on mpg... by all accounts will do wonders for performance and improve fuel econ.. here's hoping..:D:D
Recently EGR blanked my 1999 TD5. Before blanking I used to get between 510 and 530(best was 538) out of a tank with a mix of motorway, A-road and urban driving. First time I filled up fully after the blanking I got 578 miles from 85 litres... well impressed. That sort of improvement will pay the £25 for the kit in no time at all.

Would be interested in hearing from the guys who have had the ECU remapped by DynaChip to see what consumption improvements they get and what the ROI would be. Will give me the ammo I need to convince the missus of the need to spend £250 more on the ol' money pit :).

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