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HI New to this so please be patient.

Need to fit new fuel pump in tank. Anyone explain how to do this please and is it a long / difficult job. Thanks.
Hardest part is getting at it. under boot floor under mat. Remove inspection cover remove pipes note wich way they go colour coded, remove leccy plug, remove lock ring holding pump in hammer and old screwy ideal tool. Refit is opposite bit fiddly, pump is spring loaded. Prime up happy day,s:):)
i dont think you need the LR special tool mentioned in the attachment to change it either...
NB its not a manual prime, follow the priming procedure in manual...get yourself Haynes 4606-all in there.
And ensure you fit a new seal ring WGQ500020
Re: Disco TD5 Fuel pump
Hi Thanks to all. Fitted new pump sounds just as noisy as old one, new filter, done away with sedimenter....................result?............. ................still the same.
Have been told by '' Fishy '' LR Dealership i need to change main engine harness and smaller injector harness at cost of £ 300 plus labour. I DONT THINK SO!!!!!!!!
Spoke to M J Fews, were at lunch but rang me back and offered some free advice on what to try next before taking it to be put on diagnostics machine if needed. Many Thanks.
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Injector harness is a £30 ish ebay job and can be done with smple tools in about 2 hours MAX.

www.discovery2.co.uk / Workshop /Injector Harness

IMO, there is NO need to change the engine harness, if its oil soaked, just refit a new injector harness, and periodically (maybe once a month) simply remove the ECU and clean away any more oil that has worked its way down, eventually you will get rid of it all, may only take 1 or 2 cleans to do.
Thanks urban, MJ Fews recommended that as well, also cleaning out the ecu.
Seems that the new dealer in bristol hasn't got a clue only interested in selling most expensive parts regardless of faults.:frusty:
The pumps are all noisy..what was the reason you changed it anyway?? whats the car not doing?

Urban is right about the flushing through the existing harness...BUT there are exceptions...it didnt work on mine after 4 flushes...I had to have new harness & my ECU was damaged by it, not sending a signal to the injectors. Changed both & it fired first time after weeks of pot luck guess work by an "uninformed" technician. Who incidently changed most of my fuel system before I found the fault myself by looking on here ...
ps...the £300 plus labour is about right-obviously of that is the problem. The engine harness is about £240..
The reason for changing fuel pump was that i was told by l/R Dealership that it was faulty/noisy.
When driving with trailer in tow if you reach 2500rpm the vehicle starts to surge / hunt.
I believed vehicle had been put on diagnostics so did as they said. The rest is history.
Going to change harness, plus just bought a set of tamperproof tools to open up the ecu and clean it. IF that dont work will disconnect air thingy etc.
if still no luck may sell it to guy fawkes. lol.

Injector harnes changed, plug in manifold cleaned, slight improvement but still not right.
Will give it couple of days and keep cleaning plugs & hope it works.
try going through the bleed/purge process a couple of times,also check the fuel pressure regulator rear of engine under the inlet manifold for leaks this is a very common problem and would show the symptoms you describe,would also account for the noisey pump.
Thanks all, Foss v jsbholden? I hope js is right but knowing my luck Foss will be. Lol.
Hopefully find out tomorrow and will keep you all posted. Meanwhile
Well have tried waste gate all seems to be ok, everything moving freely.
Checked ecu connections again very small amount of oil in plug, cleaned out took for test run still surging at around 2500/ or when you kick down. Looks like foss is the man.:violent::violent::violent:

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