
Sad to say the 110 td5 2002 has had a bit of dramatic engine failure. Initial indications suggest diesel in the oil and turbo pick up and running on. The effects in the hot seat were as follows:-
Initial clanking noise ( thought I had run over something and it fired around the prop shaft) couple of seconds later, engine acceleration, turned ignition off and withdrew key .... still carried on accelerating, clouds of smoke - tried forcing into fifth gear to stall no chance, triggered the alarm thinking it would cut fuel supply....(didn’t know at the time about oil burning) got out the car on the grounds of expecting to lose it in a a ball of flames.... (grabbed the mince pies in the shopping bag) engine bumped to a stop and dumped what looked like coolant and then a bit of oil on the road.
AA towed it to my local garage.
I was a little shaken but steadied up after the mince pies.
My question to anyone that has seen similar- what’s the likely summary of damage to the engine? ive read about cracks in the head around injector ports, possible turbo damage etc.
I have to decide on either replacement of the engine vs strip and rebuild.
Any thoughts ....?
Get a new engine, by the time that's been atripped and inspected you will be out the cost of a replacement.
‘New’ engine.. or remanufactured, vs reconditioned or a used low mileage... it’s a bloody minefield. Any recommendations welcome
How much money do you want to spend? Doing the work yourself?
I can’t do it myself ( I’ve no garage )
From what I’ve seen online a breakers yard td5 is around £1k, a new head is around £1500 plus what ever else like turbo etc, haven’t found a remade engine price yet, or if they do a swap vs rebuild mine ?
In addition it’s not knowing a firm I can trust to do a rebuild right rather than claim it’s done .. my gut says fit a rebuilt engine but I’ve nothing to go on cost wise.
To properly diagnose your current engine with a view to fixing it will be a fair few workshop hours.
Out of curiosity, what has your garage said?
He had a quick look Friday evening. Lot of fuel in the oil, thinks most likely injector seals. Could be cracks around injector seats won’t know till he can gave a proper look. He could change seals and drain oil/ change filters and pressure test next week. No chance of an engine swap this year though with what he’s got booked in. (Understandable).
He was not convinced it warranted a replacement engine but couldn’t commit at the time either way. As I say he didn’t have long to take a look.
A runaway diesel ending with a clunk isn't good, will it turn over?
Not tried. I didn’t do anything to it once it stopped. It didn’t make a clunk as it stopped, like something breaking or seizing, just an uneven coming to a halt. What I couldn’t fathom was the collent dump. When I popped the bonnet there was no apparent hose damage or burnt up stuff. That being said I didn’t look too hard, just wanted to know there was no source of fire.
Then wait for the initial examination from your tech, coolant and oil draining isn't a good sign , the two shouldn't be mixing, the noise you heard before the runaway was obviously something breaking, then there is the damage caused by the actual runaway and the fact that it stopped itself, they only usually stop when something breaks badly enough to stop them.
A quick look at Richards Engineering £6 k is a big ask for a motor I’ve owned for under 8 weeks.
Think I need look a bit wider and as you say see what we ind out next week.
Not be best second hand motor selection
A quick look at Richards Engineering £6 k is a big ask for a motor I’ve owned for under 8 weeks.
Think I need look a bit wider and as you say see what we ind out next week.
Not be best second hand motor selection
You've only had it 8 weeks! Did you buy it privately?
How long did the run away last? What do you think made it stop ?
You've only had it 8 weeks! Did you buy it privately?
How long did the run away last? What do you think made it stop ?
Yep. Last week of September. Private seller. Got loads of history of service receipts , honest enough sale. I checked the engine oil No Fuel Smell and it was used not fresh. Only thing I couldn’t determine was if there was anything wrong with the head. No visible issues, ran well started cold etc
The owner was emigrating. He inherited the defender three years previous from his dad.
Here’s the punch line... I was traveling to my garage to get some brake n clutch fluid as it was losing clutch fluid, which I think was the reason for the choppy gear changes I posted about last week or so.
I was within half a mile and the roads was shut so had a two mile detour. It broke half a mile up that detour. I could see the garage in the valley below me.
What do you think made it stop? How long did it run away for? Did it run out of oil?
What do you think made it stop? How long did it run away for? Did it run out of oil?
Well, to be honest the length of time it ran on for felt ages as I thrashed about trying to stop it. In reality I think if it was more than a minute maybe two I would be surprised. The sump was full of oil/ diesel (according to mechanic) so it didn’t run out. It may have been running on fuel from the injectors but the alarm cut that off and maybe not quite up to self destruct mode so spluttered our ? Dunno. Part of me thinks the head gasket has blown which could explain the coolant dump and small oil dump.
I’m no diesel mechanic. I can rebuild a toolmakers lathe to super fine tolerance but car mechanics is a new chapter for me.
I feel for you. At least it's in a Deafener, so it's worth fixing .....

Probably going to be best value in replacing the engine with one from a scrap D2.... subject to what has actually happened - the clutch can be sorted at the same time ....
Fair range of TD5's available from the usual sources - prices from a couple of hundred to a couple of thousand!:eek:
This ad caught my eye:
I have no connection to them, and no experience of using them...but they talk a good deal :)
Seems they can either redo your existing engine, or offer a replacement.
I have seen the photos and descriptions on a website earlier today. I was looking to contact them Monday. Still looking for recommendations.

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