
New Member
Hi, my 2001 Defender TD5 normally starts instantly first thing in a morning with little of no heat required. Lately it's been pretty cold here (below freezing) and I'm having to turn it over for a few seconds until it starts up. It sounds like its spluttering and stuggling to fire. Once started it runs great. It's as if it's temerature related as when it's even only a couple of degrees above freezing it's fine. It's almost as if the fuel is waxing or something??? When it's really cold I wait until the heater plug lights have gone out before I try and start it to at least give it more chance. Any ideas?
could be the diesel 'waxing' due to the cold weather, but i would have assumed it would need to be a lot colder for this, change you glow plugs, there cheap, most likely the problem, and the first port of call anyway :)
Mine does the same and has done for a while, it got to the point where I could turn it over till the battery was flat and it still wouldn't start. It has had the MAF sensor and starter motor replaced which has improved it, but not fully solved the problem, also is the battery getting old as it may not be putting out a high enough ampage to turn the starter fast enough to start the engine, I think the engine only injects the fuel when it reaches a certain rpm.
Hi, my 2001 Defender TD5 normally starts instantly first thing in a morning with little of no heat required. Lately it's been pretty cold here (below freezing) and I'm having to turn it over for a few seconds until it starts up. It sounds like its spluttering and stuggling to fire. Once started it runs great. It's as if it's temerature related as when it's even only a couple of degrees above freezing it's fine. It's almost as if the fuel is waxing or something??? When it's really cold I wait until the heater plug lights have gone out before I try and start it to at least give it more chance. Any ideas?
sounds normal
Mine does the same and has done for a while, it got to the point where I could turn it over till the battery was flat and it still wouldn't start. It has had the MAF sensor and starter motor replaced which has improved it, but not fully solved the problem, also is the battery getting old as it may not be putting out a high enough ampage to turn the starter fast enough to start the engine, I think the engine only injects the fuel when it reaches a certain rpm.
you need new battery ,ecu needs proper voltage to work ,
Hi, my 2001 Defender TD5 normally starts instantly first thing in a morning with little of no heat required. Lately it's been pretty cold here (below freezing) and I'm having to turn it over for a few seconds until it starts up. It sounds like its spluttering and stuggling to fire. Once started it runs great. It's as if it's temerature related as when it's even only a couple of degrees above freezing it's fine. It's almost as if the fuel is waxing or something??? When it's really cold I wait until the heater plug lights have gone out before I try and start it to at least give it more chance. Any ideas?

When did it last have a set of glow plugs?

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