I have been having issues with my td5 over the las year. I have changed head gasket which was blown but after 4 months the head has failed again with the overheating and bubbling in the water .
Almost ready to ditch the Disco 2 but its my hobby so im now after some advice.
1. When i changed the head gasket i simply put the old head back on with no skimming etc. I am now going to get a recon and tested head. I can really believe the head gasket has failed again but it seems to have. I was a mechanic and aircraft wing designed so im not a novice but finding it hard to believe this has happened again. My question is would it be possible the head has cracked or distorted? New head should cure a lot of my issues ?

2. When i changed the head i noticed one of the pistons looked kind of burnt and distorted on the top. Any reason for this? Engine runs perfect but i want to change this piston. Should I change all 5 or will just changing the burnt one be ok? Also can i remove the sump without taking engine out? Ive not looked yet but assuming I can

I don't want to waste too much more money but the car is perfect apart from overheating with head gasket issues.

If anyone has any experience like this id be delighted to hear about what was wrong.
Thanks in advance


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