
Well-Known Member
Hi all, i used the search facility... no joy:eek:, Td4 keeps running for a few seconds after the ignition is off (randomly between 5 up to 15 secs) ... any oppinions on this issue from my brothers in the whole landrovers?
Very Strange but then you are in Transylvania. My guess would be that the Main (engine management relay) is staying activated briefly following ignition 'off'. I would substitute one of the other relays of the same type to test and if that proves that the original relay is good then I would check out the ignition switch function. D..
Thanks for that... i already advised my friend to get hold of a new ignition switch cos the car developped an erratic starting too but just when it's very hot... the relay theory is also very spot on, thanks.
May sound daft but is your engine oil level ok? It is possible under some circumstances to have the engine suck up oil and rung on if it's overfilled.
I've seen a case before where the fuel cut off solenoid on the back of the HP pump has become stuck. This can give a few seconds of run on i think.

Its the thing held in by 2xtorq bolts.
You should check the oil level. Blown turbo seals can let engine oil into the inlet manifold and cause this.
Thanks for all inputs guys... i'll follow all the advices...this problem is quite old...if it will dissapear i'll report back. Cheers
wouldnt that cause some running issues too? ... cos otherwise the car is running nice
seem to recall a thread on here a long time ago with the same issue ,infact if i'm not mistaken it was on you tube, anyhows it was to do with the crank case filter ,if i'm wrong i stand corrected :)
A new crankcase breather filter is always a good idea on these engines, they cost little and can save a lot of problems.
wouldnt that cause some running issues too? ... cos otherwise the car is running nice

Well its not smoking so maybe 'blown' is the wrong word, but if small amounts of oil are being forced past the seals. Then the engine can continue to run normally until it damages the seals, they are pretty resilient.
Inclined to agree with the fuel pressure regulator/stop solenoid theory. If it were turbo seals I doubt it would stop.
This is 90% to be caused by burning engine oil as fuel. Check/replace breather immediately get BMW vortex type. If this does not cure ... it looks like turbo seals....I know a man who can do just the seals for you .... for around 150 quid ... if you remove turbo for him.
This is 90% to be caused by burning engine oil as fuel. Check/replace breather immediately get BMW vortex type. If this does not cure ... it looks like turbo seals....I know a man who can do just the seals for you .... for around 150 quid ... if you remove turbo for him.

But if it was running on oil from the sump would it not keep running until something shut off the oil supply or it ran dry?
Surely if it were running on oil then you would have mentioned excessive exhaust smoke? I still think that the injectors and fuel pump are continuing to operate briefly after ignition switch off and there is probably a simple way of proving whether this is the case. e.g. Pull the main relay or tap the inertia switch either of which should immediately stop the engine.
I'm fairly sure that when I had this isue with my previous FL it was related to an injector being faulty. Amongst other things it was running rough just after start up and was running on after switch off. When I changed the injector it didn't run on any more.


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